Elektronické dokumenty v knihovnách: OPAC versus gateways

Sekce: Profesionální metody vyhledávání na volném a placeném Internetu
Autor: Klára Koltay, Debrecen University Library; Maďarsko 
Plný text (PDF)
Abstrakt: The method described here aims at a complex approach of registering, organising and providing access to electronic documents in a library environment. Registration of available electronic documents from subscribed databases, electronic journals to free Internet documents of higher educational and scientific value is based on the cataloguing services of the ILS. The catalogue records - beside the bibliographic information - contain subject classification numbers, subject headings, exact description of the availability of the documents with URLs if relevant. The documents thus become available through the online catalogue, which presents them merged into the general holdings of the library. For those looking for electronic documents only and prefer gateway type access to them automated processes create alphabetic and thematic lists based on the MARC records and place them on the library home page. The items on the lists select some of the information present in the bibliographic record concentrating on titles, summeries, contents and above all URLs and other availablity information. The system is made complete with a URL checking mechanism, which worn cataloguers of changes in the availability of documents. The URL and data maintainance work is again done in the MARC records with normal cataloguing tools. (www.lib.unideb.hu - both for the catalogue with electronic documents and the web lists)
  • Name: Dr. Klára Koltay
  • Date of birth: 28. 10. 1957
  • Place of birth: Debrecen, Hungary
  • Permanent Address:H-4034 Debrecen, Sólyom u. 20. Hungary
  • Tel.: +36(52) 427-055
  • Office Address: H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.B. 39 Hungary
  • Tel./Fax: +36(52) 410-443
  • e-mail: kkoltay@lib.unideb.hu
  • 1996: Kossuth Lajos Univ. Debrecen, Ph. D. degree
  • 1989: Kossuth Lajos Univ. Debrecen., university doctor's degree
  • 1976--1981: Kossuth Lajos Univ. Debrecen, secondary school teacher in history and English literature and language
  • 1997-- Deputy director, Kossuth Lajos University Library, Debrecen (called Debrecen University Library since 2000)
  • 1995-- Head of Subject Specialist Department, Kossuth Lajos University Library, Debrecen
  • 1986--1995: Subject Specialist of English Studies, Kossuth Lajos University, Library, Debrecen
  • 1984--1986: Librarian, interlibrary loan service, Kossuth Lajos University, Library Debrecen
  • 1980--1982: Secondary school teacher, Kossuth Lajos Secondary School, Nyíregyháza
  • Hungarian - English Puritan connections
  • Library reference work,
  • Subject cataloguing
  • MARC cataloging
  • Library automation and library structures
  • 2000--Taking part in a co-operative effort of some Hungarian libraries aiming at a common tool of subject access. (Matriksz)
  • 1997--Taking part in co-operative cataloguing programs (MOKKA, VOCAL) of academic libraries in Hungary
  • 1995--Taking part in the project of adapting and translating the Library of Congress Subject Heading to be used in the online catalogue of Kossuth Lajos University Library
  • 1993--Taking part in the retrospective cataloging project of Kossuth Lajos University Library
  • 1992--Taking part in the installation of the library's integrated system as a co-ordinating librarian
  • 1982--various activities in almost all fields of library work: interlibrary loan, reference work, cataloguing, subject cataloging

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