Pokročilé techniky vyhledávání: jak profesionální rešeršéři dobývají zlato na Internetu

Sekce: Profesionální metody vyhledávání na volném a placeném Internetu
Autor: Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services Inc.; USA 
Plný text (PDF)
Abstrakt: Mary Ellen Bates will cover the "super searcher" techniques that she uses and that she learned from writing two Super Searcher books. She will provide the tools you need to search efficiently and effectively, insight into how search engines are constructed and what their strengths and limitations are, and practical tips and techniques for using the web as a research tool. She will discuss what information is hidden in the “Invisible Web” and how to find information that is not included in search engines.
O autoru: Mary Ellen Bates is an independent information professional and owner of Bates Information Services, a Washington, DC research firm providing business research for business professionals and consulting services to the information industry.
She was the 1996-1997 President of the Association of Independent Information Professionals and is active in the Special Libraries Association. A well-known expert on the information industry, she has been quoted in publications such as The Australian, Technology and Business, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Business Week and Forbes.
She is a frequent writer on the information industry and has written six books, including BUILDING AND RUNNING A SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH BUSINESS: A GUIDE FOR THE INDEPENDENT INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL; SUPER SEARCHERS COVER THE WORLD; and SUPER SEARCHERS DO BUSINESS. She also has written innumerable articles on the Internet and the information industry. She is a columnist for EContent and Online and editor of The Information Advisor.
She is a frequent speaker for the information industry, and has spoken extensively in the US as well as in Mexico, Germany, the UK, Australia, Denmark, Sweden and South Africa.

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