P�ehled p��sp�vk� podle jmen autor�
Autor: Stela Filipi-Matutinovic, University Library "Svetozar Markovic", Srbsko
Spoluauto�i: Aleksandra Popovic, Oja Krinulovic
University library "Svetozar Markovic" is the main university library at the University in Belgrade, the biggest and oldest university in Serbia. Access to electronic resources through internet is provided for all academic libraries through consortium for coordinated acquisition KoBSON, established at the National Library of Serbia. We started with about 3,000 journals and two aggregators in 2002 and now we have access to 13,500 electronic journals and 20 providers for all disciplines. All services are used in the Internet center in the library and through academic network. During the implementation of the Tempus project "Building cooperative academic library network for the universities in Serbia" UMI_JEP 16059-2001, librarians from Serbia had the opportunity to learn from colleagues from university libraries in London, Berlin and Vienna. Librarians prepared promotion and education materials for users, that are freely available in the library and on the library website, www.unilib.bg.ac.yu. Librarians from the Department for scientific informatiom are engaged in planning and conducting courses for librarians from other academic libraries, researchers and students of the University in Belgrade, which take place either in the library or at different faculties. Usage statistics show the steady increase in the use of electronic resources.
Dr Stela Filipi-Matutinovic, born in Belgrade 1951, is the head of Department for scientific information and library system development at the University library in Belgrade, main university library in Serbia for 20 years. In 2004 was the acting director of the Library and from 2001 is the vice-president of the Serbian Academic Library Association. From april 2002 to april 2004 was the coordinator of the Tempus project "Building cooperative academic library network in Serbia". As a member of the expert teams participated in planning the library automation, preparing applications for national and international support for projects concerning library automation and providing access to electronic databases and other electronic resources for university library, academic libraries and whole Serbia. With scientific background in biological sciences, her main interest is the communication in science and training of both librarians and library patrons to use all the available resources for scientific information. Member of the editorial board of the professional journal Infoteka and editor-in-chief of the Serbian Academic Library Association magazine "Visokoskolske biblioteke".
Autor: So�a Makulov�, Univerzita Komensk�ho - Filozofick� fakulta - Katedra kni�ni�nej a informa�nej vedy, Slovensko
Autor: Brigita Exelov�, Moravsk� zemsk� knihovna, Brno
Autor: Alena Balv�nov�, Univerzita Karlova - P��rodov�deck� fakulta, Praha
Spoluauto�i: Jan Soukup
Autor: Agnieszka Kasprzyk, NUKAT Center, Polsko
Autor: �tefan Kimli�ka, Univerzita Komensk�ho v Bratislave - Filozofick� fakulta
Autor: �tefan Kimli�ka, Univerzita Komensk�ho v Bratislave - Filozofick� fakulta
Autor: Elizabeth Melrose, North Yorkshire County Council. Business & Community Services (Information), Velk� Brit�nie
Autor: Milan Nov�k, Jiho�esk� univerzita - Pedagogick� fakulta, �esk� Bud�jovice
Spoluauto�i: Michal �er�
Autor: Pavel O�en�ek, Vysok� u�en� technick� v Brn� - Fakulta informa�n�ch technologi�
Spoluauto�i: Jana Toufarov�, studentka magistersk�ho studia oboru Ve�ejn� informace a knihovnictv� na Filozofick� fakult� Masarykovy univerzity v Brn�.
Autor: Shvea Sogenbits, Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonsko
Spoluauto�i: Jantson, Signe (MA) - manager of bibliografic division / Tallinn University of Technology Library
Autor: Zaneta Szerksznis, Poznan University Library, Polsko
Autor: Jozef Su��k, Spole�nost pro sou�asn� um�n� - SCA, Ostrava
Autor: Milan Talich, V�zkumn� �stav geodetick�, topografick� a kartografick�, Zdiby
Autor: Andrej Urbanovi�, In�tit�t ochrany biodiverzity a biologickej bezpe�nosti, Nitra
Spoluauto�i: Janka N��kov�, J�n Brindza