List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)
Author: Isabelle de Kaenel, The Medical University Library Lausanne, Switzerland
Many questions remain unanswered concerning the electronic publications : mainly the issues dealing with pricing, licencing and archiving. Some earlier strong beliefs have lately been shattered : library consortiums have shown limits, the benefits of packages are questionned. In this context it is a real challenge to make strategic choices on how e-collections and e-services should expand in a library. However in a medical library the expectations of the physicians put a strong pressure on the librarians and drive them to improve and to extend the accesses to the electronic resources. At the medical University Library in Lausanne, a rather pragmatic approach has been taken to promote and integrate the electronic collections in a perpetual quest for performance and innovation.
Head Librarian of the Medical University library Lausanne (CH) since 1995, my principal responsibilities include the general management of the library with a strong emphasis on the development of electronic resources (web databases, e-journals). I am also a chairman of the commission for the coordination of electronic information resources on the Lausanne university campus. Before that I was a Reference Librarian at the Institute for Management Development (Lausanne , Switzerland) and then a full-time lecturer for 4 years at the school of librarianship (Geneva, Switzerland), lecturing on Internet, electronic information resources and online searching. My educational background include a MA in Comparative Literature at Lyon University and an M.Sc. in Information Science at Institut National des Techniques Documentaires, Paris.
Author: Kateřina Štěchovská, National Medical Library, Czech Republic
Author: Jana Hercová, National Medical Library, Czech Republic
Co-author: Jana Veselá / Středisko vědeckých informací Státního zdravotního ústavu Praha / Scientific Information Department, National Institute of Public Health Prague
Author: Oliver Obst, Branch Medical Library of the University and Regional Library Münster, Germany
Author: Helena Haškovcová, Charles University - Faculty of Humanities, Czech Republic
Author: Olga Tomoszková, Institut of Public Health in Ostrava, Czech Republic
Co-author: Věra Martínková / Institute of Public Health, Ostrava; Věra Toršová / Institute of Public Health Ostrava
Author: Rostislav Kudláček, State Institute for Drug Control, Czech Republic