
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Presentation of Cultural Heritage : Integration - Aggregation - Contextualisation
Session coordinator: Zdeněk Uhlíř,  National Library of the Czech Republic
Where: 25. 5. 2004, 14:00 - 17:00, Auditorium D

Vision of Semantic Processing and Latest Trends

Author: Nerutė Kligienė,  Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania


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During the last decade, the emphasis has been on finding relevant documents or content, an objective which most of today's search and browsing techniques address. During the next decade, the emphasis will shift from documents and entities to relationships - that of discovering or validating contextually relevant, meaningful and possibly complex relationships amongst the entities that documents mention and describe. This also is likely to be the next area of focus for the Semantic Web community after it makes progress in addressing the current areas of emphasis on ontology representation, semantic metadata extraction for automatic annotation, query processing and making inference.

Relationships are fundamental to semantics - they associate meanings to words, terms and entities. Semantic Web intends to associate annotations (i.e., metadata) with all Web-accessible resources such that programs can associate "meaning with data" to interpret them, and to process (access, invoke, utilize, and analyse) them automatically, resulting in higher scalability and better productivity. More comprehensive set of relationships that may be based on information extraction, external and prior knowledge and user-defined computations is looked for. Some software tools for semantic analysis and usage of selected IT tools in the scientific library context are considered in this presentation.

About the author

Nerute Kligiene graduated from Vilnius University in 1967 in mathematics, and she obtained her doctorate there in 1973. Since 1967 she has been with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, where she is currently a senior research assistant at the Recognition Processes Department. Her scientific interests are statistical analysis of time series and the detection and estimation of changes in model parameters. She is the author of more than 70 scientific articles and the textbook for students.). She is an Associate Professor at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and lecturing in e-publishing at the Vilnius University.

Nerute Kligiene participated in many Digital Preservation and Digital publishing courses and has qualifications of a digital publishing expert. She is one of initiators of the digital publishing training program in Lithuania, the leader of several projects supported by UNESCO in area of Digital Publishing. In 1996 she joined the UNESCO Chair in Informatics for the Humanities at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics and became the leader of many Internet projects and interactive CD-ROM production.

Other papers in this session:

On the Disappearance of the Library

Author: Torsten Schaßan, University of Cologne, Germany

Conceptual Framework of Virtual Research Environment

Author: Zdeněk Uhlíř, National Library of the Czech Republic

Manuscriptorium - New Research Environment for the Sphere of Historical Book Resources

Author: Stanislav Psohlavec, AiP Beroun, Czech Republic

ACT - Computer Processing of Written Cultural Heritage Sources

Author: Kiril Ribarov, Charles University - Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jiří Bubník, Jiří Čelák, Vojtěch Janota, Alexandr Kára, Václav Novák, Tomáš Vondra, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK

Digitazing Centre of Academy of Sciences CR

Author: Martin Lhoták, Library of Academy of Sciences CR, Czech Republic

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