Přehled příspěvků podle jmen autorů
Cesty ke kultuře sdílených znalostí aneb změna svědčí všem...
Autor: Liz Blankson-Hemans, Thomson Dialog, Velká Británie
Plné texty
A knowledge sharing culture can help you and your organization deal successfully with change and globalization, but creating such a culture can be a challenge. This session introduces the requirements for success and the tools for facilitating collaboration. It focuses on how the information centre can take a leadership role to encourage knowledge sharing behavior by modeling best practices, creating organizational taxonomies, and positioning the information centre as the educator and connector.
O autorovi
Liz Blankson-Hemans is Director - International, Information Professional Development, at Dialog, a Thomson business. She manages the deployment of Quantum2 (Dialog’s Leadership Development Programme for information professionals) in Europe and Asia Pacific; the Dialog Customer Advisory Board for the International region, and the Graduate Education Programme outside North America. She also coordinates the company’s interactions with professional groups such as CILIP, CiG and the Special Libraries Association (SLA) in Europe and in Australia/New Zealand. She was president of SLA Europe in 2004-2005, and also sits on the SLA’s Diversity Leadership Development Programme committee. In addition, she has presented papers at a number of industry conferences.
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