List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)
Digital Libraries and Citation Services
Author: Eva Bratková, Charles University - Institute of Librarianship and Information Studies, Czech Republic
The paper is devoted to new citation indexing services which process bibliographic references and citations embodied in scientific documents stored in repositories of free available digital libraries or eprint archives. Especially free available citation services (Citebase Search, CiteSeer, Google Scholar, and other new initiatives) will be characterized and evaluated, but also licenced services (ISI Web Citation Index). Emphasized will be their research impact, namely in comparison with commercial citation services such as ISI WOK, Scopus or CrossRef. A part of paper include information concerning citation linking using OpenURL technology, OAI-PHM protocol and reference metadata according to Dublin Core Metadata Set "Guidelines for Bibliographic Citation Information". In that continuity the requirements to ideal citing and bibliographic rereferces structuring by authors of scientific paper will be introduced.
About the author
Assistant professor of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. To her professional interests belong bibliographic databases and services, identification and description of information resources, electronic resources, their formats, bibliographic formats and metadata, information retrieval, and digital libraries or eprint archives and their services. She is editor of the international e-print archive for library and information science ELIS.
Other papers in this session:
Open Access: an Overview from the UK
Author: Allan Foster, Information Industry Consultant & Writer, United Kingdom
Open Access - an Aggregators View
Author: Gareth Williams, ProQuest Information and Learning, United Kingdom
Open Access to Professional Information - Proclamation or Danger?
Author: Jindra Planková, Silesian University - Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Czech Republic
Co-author: David Piňos / Ústřední knihovna FPF Slezské univerzity v Opavě
The Impact of Open Access Policies on Libraries: Shaping the New Era in the Publishing Industry
Author: Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, Greece
Co-author: Challeplioglou Artemis / Foundation of Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens, Vasilakaki Eugenia / DBS SA Informatic Services Company
Open Archive in the Field of Economics: NEREUS, European Gate to Publications
Author: Jacques Hellemans, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Trends in Accessibility of Chemical Journals
Author: Aliaksandr Rahoisha, Belarusian State University, Belarus