
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Posters and/or Other Published Material
Session coordinator: Jana Machonská,  Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic
Where: 25. 5. 2004, - 27. 5. 2004, New Auditorium

Partnership for Public [paper]

Author: Libuše Nivnická,  The Jiří Mahen Library, Czech Republic


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The contribution recapitulates more than quadrennial experience from the activity of the Regional European Information Centre (further REIS) in the Jiří Mahen Library in Brno and follows its next role. The centre was established under the assistance of program Phare.

The establishment of the centre was the natural reaction of the information institution to the socialwide topical issue, interests of public and the logical integration into information strategy of the City of Brno.

Over the course of activity the centre has offered hundreds of information to individual clients, has achieved tens of discussions for students and discussion evenings for public in Brno and in the whole region. The most significant partners are the City of Brno, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The deputies, senators, representatives from Southern Moravia Region, civic associations, chamber of commerce in Brno and many professionals participate in the activities. The centre challenged to the cooperation and presented in an active way next partners in the region. Thats all with aim to acquisite and further mediate to the public the information of the given issue as wide as possible.

Daily information service is enriched with some accompanying programs – Week of national minorities, Brno-City in the middle of Europe, Day of REIS, exhibition Sights of UNESCO in the Czech republic, press conference under the presence of G. Verheugen, Prime Minister V. Špidla and Mayor of the City of Brno etc.

The interests of public is monitored and evaluated and according to it the activity of the centre is regulated in the way so that the centre always be a welcoming and reliable information partner for public of the City of Brno and the region.

About the author

Ing. Libuše Nivnická - The Jiří Mahen Library in Brno

  • 1991 - 1995 head economist
  • 1996 - director


  • University of Agriculture,branch: economy
  • postgraduate studies at UK Praha (1985 - 1986, 1990 - 1991)
  • Institute of information studies and librarianship of the Faculty of Arts, biennial course – Introduction into information and library services

Professional interests: management, marketing, financing of non profit organizations, building of libraries, editor of publishing services of Jiří Mahen Library, articles in professional journals

Membership and functions in the professional organizations: SKIP CR – chairwoman of regional committee, member of VV SKIP, member of Central Librarian Council, Society of Jiří Mahen

Other papers in this session:

Availability of Slovak Film Heritage [poster/paper]

Author: Anna Faklová, Slovak Film Institute, Slovakia

Co-author: Ing. Nadežda Andrejčíková, Cosmotron Bohemia and Slovakia

Possibilities and Quality of Internet Utilization in Agriculture and Rural Areas [poster/paper]

Author: Jan Jarolímek, Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jiří Vaněk

Medicine on the Invisible Web [poster/paper]

Author: Jiří Menoušek, Louny Hospital - Scientific Information Centre, Czech Republic

Relationship Between Search Engine Optimalization and Visitor Optimalization [paper]

Author: Jan Nemrava, University of Economics - Faculty of Management, Czech Republic

Measuring the Efficiency of University Libraries Using Data Envelopment Analysis [poster/paper]

Author: Nevena Stancheva, University of Economics, Bulgaria

Co-author: Vyara Angelova

A Contribution to Image Semantic Analysis [paper]

Author: Jozef Stašák, University of Matej Bel - Faculty of Finance, Slovakia

Public Information Sources and Business Databases on the Slovak Market [paper]

Author: Katarína Šebejová, Československá obchodní banka, a. s. - Foreign Branch in the Slovak Republic

Web Services and Applications XML [poster/paper]

Author: Milan Talich, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

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