eIFL Direct v ČR
Hana Nová
Projekt eIFL Direct (Electronic Information for Libraries Direct), který vznikl v r. 1999 z iniciativy
Open Society Institute, je v knihovnách České republiky díky programu MŠMT ČR Informační zdroje pro výzkum a vývoj dobře
známý (www.nkp.cz/eifl). O tom, jak je využíván, svědčí nejlépe následující tabulka.
Tab.1 Celkové statistiky
Prostřednictvím národní licence projektu eIFL Direct mají knihovny přístup k databázím fy EBSCO a to buď
online anebo na CD ROM příp. DVD ROM. Fy EBSCO nabídku databází neustále rozšiřuje a vylepšuje. Od letošního roku jsou přístupné
databáze AGRICOLA a ERIC, do databáze MasterFILE Premier byly přidány další referenční publikace a tzv. Primary
Source Documents, ke změně došlo i v nabídce medicínských databází. Plnotextových časopisů obsažených
v databázích je již více než 5 000 a jejich tematický záběr zahrnuje také technické obory. Posouvá se retrospektiva
přístupu k plným textům, např. v databázi Academic Search Premier je to až rok 1975 a v Business Source Premier
až rok 1965. Fy EBSCO zpřístupňuje také časopisy jiných vydavatelů než amerických. Např. databáze Academic Search Premier
obsahuje časopisy z:
Země |
Počet titulů |
Velká Británie |
1 107 |
Holandsko |
189 |
Kanada |
83 |
Německo |
66 |
Švýcarsko |
58 |
Austrálie |
44 |
Norsko |
40 |
Dánsko |
34 |
Jihoafrická rep. |
22 |
Estonsko |
6 |
Singapur |
5 |
Česká republika |
3 |
Francie |
3 |
Japonsko |
2 |
Polsko |
2 |
Slovinsko |
2 |
Brazílie |
1 |
Izrael |
1 |
Mexico |
1 |
Velmi významnou změnou ve zpřístupnění plnotextových článků (kromě formátu PDF) je možnost volby jejich
automatického překladu do němčiny, francouzštiny nebo španělštiny.
V této souvislosti je třeba podtrhnout výhodu licenčních podmínek sjednaných pro účastnické země projektu
mezi OSI a fy EBSCO. Samozřejmě cena, určená pro celé konsorcium a následně rozdělená mezi jednotlivé účastnické země je mnohem
nižší,? než cena při nákupu databází byť i pro konsorcium jedné země. Také stanovení stejné výše ceny na tříleté období má
nepochybně své klady. Za stejnou částku tak knihovny dostávají kvalitativně i kvantitativně širší nabídku služeb.
Na loňské konferenci INFORUM byl projekt eIFL Direct představen Annou Balogh z OSI Budapešť. Hovořila o
vzniku a záměru projektu a jeho dalších perspektivách. Dozvěděli jsme se, jak je v rámci celého projektu hodnocena Česká
republika. V září minulého roku se v Budapešti uskutečnilo setkání koordinátorů z jednotlivých zúčastněných
zemích. V pracovně velmi náročných jednáních bylo posuzováno dosavadní zapojení zemí do projektu a diskutována otázka
rozšíření nabídky elektronických informačních zdrojů o přírodní vědy a techniku. Zároveň byl předložen návrh na
vytvoření mezinárodního konsorcia.
Setkání koordinátorů velice přispělo k uvědomění si významu a rozsahu projektu eIFL Direct.
Country reporty jednotlivých zemích ukázaly klady ale i problémy se zaváděním a realizací projektu. Je pro nás
určitě užitečné a zajímavé seznámit se s tím, jaká je situace v jiných zemích - na Slovensku a v Litvě.
Project EIFL Direct in the Lithuania
By Ausra Vaskeviciene
At the end of 1999 Lithuania as the other countries from Central and Eastern Europe entered the eIFL Direct
project. After 2 years of experience we can state that project eIFL Direct together with EBSCO Publishing opened the door to the
new world of digital information, enabled to have a look at the achievements of new technologies and use one of the biggest
database in the world. The purpose of this article is to analyse strides, obstacles and changes in the eIFL Direct process in
Lithuania. It is based on statistical data and answers of libraries - eIFL Direct participants. The esteblishment of Lithuania
Research Library Consortium (LMBA) is described.
At the end of 1999 EBSCO Publishing together with the Open Society Institute created the Electronic Information
for Libraries Direct (eIFL Direct) consortium. The largest information consortium in the world eIFL Direct encompasses
libraries in 39 countries. It opens up access to EBSCO Publishing's range of full-text scholarly and general interest journals
[1]. Lithuania as the other countries from Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Southern Africa, entered the
Consortium. A total of 11 institutions and 22 libraries (15 research and 6 public) decided to participate in this project.
After 2 years of experience we can state that project eIFL Direct together with EBSCO Publishing opened the
door to the new world of digital information, enabled to have a look at the achievements of new technologies and use one of the
biggest database in the world. Lets look back to our strides, obstacles and changes in the eIFL Direct process.
Description of the Consortium
The first Lithuanian Research Library Consortium was established in 1993 with 21 libraries in the Consortium.
The main goal was to combine libraries’ activities in implementation of the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System
(LIBIS) and in creation of the Union Catalogue. This Consortium was not a legal body, libraries participated in its activities
on the volunteer basis. There were no scheme for collecting funds and implementation of the other initiatives. Therefore the
eIFL Direct project was not foreseen in the activity of the Consortium. From 1999 up to the end of 2001 the co-ordinator of this
project in our country was the Open Society Fund Lithuania. There was no agreement between libraries - registered eIFL Direct
On December 2001 at the Meeting of the Consortium it was decided that the goals of the Consortium are
out-of data. The decision to release the old Consortium and to establish the new one was made. At present we have the new
Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA), which is a legal body. 23 Lithuanian research libraries and library institutions
founded the LMBA. The Statute of LMBA describes wider goals with special attention to common subscription to electronic
databases. The main objectives of the Consortium are:
- promoting of the creation of virtual libraries, preparation and implementation of advanced technology and innovative
projects in the libraries;
- subscription to electronic databases for the Consortium members and other libraries;
- co-ordination of the acquisition of foreign periodicals among research libraries;
- encouragement of the professional development of librarians;
- co-operation with foreign and international library associations and other organisations with a relevant profile.
According to the Statutes of the LMBA Consortium all member libraries pay enrolment and annual fees. These fees
should cover administration expenses. In case of special needs they are to pay special fees. The Governmental and special
foundations will be approached for financial support for the database subscribtion. In case if there will be no additional
funding - the libraries will have to pay subscribtion fee from their budget on the basis of a mutual agreement signed by the
member libraries.
Membership in the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium is open to all research libraries of the country.
Possibility to participate in particular Consortium activities is foreseen for non-member libraries.
From the end of 2001 the LMBA Consortium is responsible for running the eIFL Direct Project in Lithuania. It is
a new and responsible job for libraries. The seminar in Budapest (September 14 - 16, 2001) and 3rd e-ICOLC (International
Coalition of Library Consortia in Europe) conference in Espoo (November 29 - December 1, 2001) were a good start for it. It is
necessary to think again about our activities, to analyze situation in other countries, to follow the usage statistics in
libraries, and to watch developments in our society.
Are we ready for digital information?
In March of 2001 a questionnaire has been distributed among 44 Lithuanian research and main public libraries,
which are the most active Internet providers for users. The total of 27 answers have been received and the survey of Internet
services has been made [2, 3]. With the aim to update this information the Lithuanian databases provides have been contacted in
March 2002 (the data about subscription to foreign databases is available at LMBA). The table 1 represents the list of
subscriptions to databases in Lithuania. The biggest attention is paid to the subscriptions to Lithuanian electronic
information. Mainly language barrier and different information requirement by separate regions influenced this. A number of
EBSCO Publishing subscribers shows, that this database was the first one in foreign language widely usable in our country.
Table 1. The subscriptions to databases in Lithuanian libraries.
The database |
The number of libraries |
Language |
2001 |
2002 |
EBSCO Publishing |
14 |
21 |
English |
ISI Web of Science |
2 |
2 |
English |
STN International |
1 |
0 |
English |
1 |
1 |
English |
Educational Leadership |
1 |
1 |
English |
Bibliographic database of the articles from Lithuanian periodicals |
19 |
39 |
Lithuanian |
9 |
14 |
Lithuanian |
The virtual press archive ”Penki kontinentai” |
3 |
7 |
Lithuanian |
The archive of the newspaper ”Verslo zinios” |
2 |
75 |
Lithuanian |
The table 2 represents the number of computerized workplaces for readers in questioning Lithuanian libraries.
Not all these libraries subscribe to EBSCO Publishing but the figures reflect the situation how various types of libraries are
ready to provide information from electronic resources.
Table 2. The number of computerized workplaces for readers in questioning Lithuanian libraries.
Type of libraries |
Number of libraries |
Number of computers for readers |
Research libraries |
9 |
143 |
Public libraries |
11 |
57 |
Other libraries |
2 |
7 |
Total in questioning libraries |
22 |
207 |
The biggest problem in using electronic databases is how to find budget for subscription. This problem is not
new for post Soviet Union countries and is typical in all Lithuanian libraries. In 2000 - 2001 the EBSCO Publishing subscription
price was divided into two parts: the first one - for libraries, the other one - for other funding. In 2000-2001 the eIFL Direct
project was supported by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. The Open Society Fund Lithuania has made all the
Statistical data
The use of licensed electronic information resources will continue to expand and in some cases become the sole
or dominant means of access to content. The Consortium has a responsibility to ensure that its library - members receive
information about the usage of licensed electronic resources [4]. The statistical data reflects the success of the eIFL Direct
project. The LMBA members have a possibility to follow the EBSCO usage statistic themselves. Furthermore all library statistic
was published in the Lithuanian professional journal [5]. This publication brought on the new activities in consulting,
promotion and administration of EBSCO Publishing.
The table 3 represents the number of logins, number of abstracts and the number of full text articles accessed
in years 2000 - 2001 in Lithuanian libraries. As mentioned above, 11 institutions, 22 libraries (15 research and 6 public)
participate in eIFL Direct project. All libraries have been grouped according to their type. The Open Society Fund Lithuania
library is presented separate. Such regimentation is conditioned by EBSCO Publishing usage factors, which will be discussed in
the next section.
The total usage of EBSCO Publishing is growing up. Our users are more and more active in using e-mail service,
and viewing articles in PDF format. It is meaning that our readers find more full text articles, their searches are more
flexible and precise. There is a big distinction between all types of libraries. Sometimes the small number of logins does not
mean that library do not use EBSCO. Up to now some libraries are using general Lithuanian password. Therefore statistical data
of the Open Society Fund Lithuania library is the biggest. Other libraries are using EBSCO only on CD-ROMs. The problem that
statistical data not always reflect real situation of usage is observed not only in Lithuania.
Table 3. Usage of EBSCO Publishing in Lithuanian libraries (years 2000 - 2001).
Logins |
Abstracts |
E-mails |
FT Articles |
PDF Viewed |
Years: |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
Research libraries |
10766 |
12324 |
124781 |
130352 |
687 |
11969 |
48129 |
69683 |
368 |
5862 |
Public libraries |
240 |
335 |
1476 |
1123 |
0 |
147 |
558 |
1133 |
7 |
121 |
OSI - Lithuania |
9803 |
7671 |
107616 |
86995 |
97 |
10485 |
34703 |
35402 |
67 |
2474 |
Other (institutions) |
88 |
80 |
504 |
580 |
0 |
16 |
116 |
72 |
0 |
8 |
Grand Total |
20927 |
20410 |
234558 |
219050 |
784 |
22617 |
83632 |
106292 |
443 |
8465 |
The most popular EBSCO databases are Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, and MasterFILE Premier
(table 4).
Table 4. Usage of EBSCO Publishing databases in Lithuanian libraries (years 2000 - 2001).
Searches |
Abstracts |
E-mails |
FT Articles |
PDF Viewed |
Years |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
2000 |
2001 |
Academic Search Premier |
20833.0 |
15417 |
2077 |
23016 |
2008 |
Business Source Premier |
11969.0 |
19030.0 |
23392 |
20867 |
461 |
2948 |
9901 |
21084 |
96 |
3642 |
Business Wire News |
301.0 |
4064.0 |
74 |
1458 |
2 |
31 |
40 |
1166 |
0 |
9 |
Company Directory |
94.0 |
21.0 |
40 |
8 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition |
1011.0 |
130 |
6 |
559 |
97 |
Image Collections |
428.0 |
417.0 |
376 |
438 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
MasterFILE Premier |
8489.0 |
8359.0 |
4541 |
4648 |
4 |
462 |
2282 |
5300 |
19 |
236 |
2683.0 |
12124 |
853 |
0 |
0 |
Newspaper Source |
6889.0 |
5991.0 |
3690 |
4994 |
13 |
1018 |
1812 |
4240 |
0 |
1 |
Stedman's Medical Dictionary |
4.0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
USP DI Volume II, Advice for the Patient |
877.0 |
1356.0 |
12 |
22 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
Grand Total |
29047 |
63769 |
32125 |
60108 |
480 |
7395 |
14041 |
55379 |
115 |
5993 |
Project eIFL Direct in Lithuania: the Questionnaire and Results Overview
With the aim to estimate eIFL Direct in Lithuania the questionnaire consisting of different questions was
distributed to 22 libraries, which subscribe to EBSCO Publishing. A total of 18 answers have been received. Some of the sample
- Does the content of EBSCO meet the needs of library’s users?
- Does the library have enough computers to make searches into EBSCO?
- Do you use EBSCO only at the library?
- Does your library provide individual logins for remote users?
- What are the types of promotion?
- Do you have publications about EBSCO Publishing?
- Do you analyze statistical date of EBSCO Publishing usage?
The questions about funding were not included into questionnaire.
Asked about ”does the content of EBSCO meet the needs of library’s users”, 9 libraries (50 % of respondents)
said yes. They noted that the database is easy to search, the readers can find useful information, and the response is prompt. 8
libraries (or 44,4 %) of respondents said that EBSCO Publishing meets the needs of library’s users only partly. Such are
technical or special libraries. Only the Library of Agriculture answered that EBSCO does not meet their needs. Generally
speaking users desiderate science and technology information as well as social sciences. Not all libraries observe the
advantages and changes in the database content. For this reason we decided to send all information about EBSCO for eIFL Direct
members by e-mail. Furthermore not all users can conduct searchers in English and without our (librarians) help their searches
are not effective. It would be great if publications in other languages will be included in this database. The deeper archive
for back issues are required.
Answering the question about computerized workplaces for readers, 10 libraries (55,6 % of respondents) said
they have enough computers to make searches into EBSCO. 6 libraries (33,3% of respondents) said that would be great to arrange
more computerized workplaces for readers. The computers are insufficient in quantity only in 2 libraries - EBSCO Publishing
4 libraries (22,2 %) from 18 questioned answered that readers can receive EBSCO services only at the library.
This situation is observed in the public libraries, of the districts where the Internet services are not developed. Other
libraries provide user logins and passwords not only for their branch libraries but also for other remote users. Some public
libraries from mentioned above are going to serve remote users too. The information services for remote users will cause
decrease the needs of computerized work places in the library and users can get information irrespective of the working hours of
the library.
The administration of the EBSCO was the most actual question at the end of 2001. It emerged that the EBSCO
administration password has been lost because of the staff changing in several libraries. Also we started to explain the reasons
why the statistics of the Open Society Fund Lithuania library is so high. The reason is that some libraries are using general
Lithuanian password up to now. As usual libraries give for readers the same password, which they received from EBSCO. Some
libraries understand the importance of administration necessary only after two years of practice. On the other hand the
qualification of EBSCO administrators in the libraries is a big problem.
Most librarians recognize that EBSCO Publishing services are easy to use. On the other hand the number of
queries how to search in various situation are received by e- mail, telephone or in reading rooms. Answering the question about
training for librarians or users, 14 libraries (77,8 % of respondents) said that the training for librarians have been
organized. The same number of libraries answered yes to the question about training for users. On the other hand only 7
libraries could provide exact training figures (table 5). Most libraries provide the individual consultations for users in
reading rooms and e-mail or telephone consultations for remote users. The older generation users are asking for help more often.
It is very difficult to train up users, which do not know English apart the articles can be translated into German, French or
Spanish. Some respondents desiderate the EBSCO help (instruction) in Lithuanian and one respondent said it would be nice to have
EBSCO interface in Lithuanian too. Some libraries have the instructions in Lithuanian but this is useful only for readers in the
During the years 2000 and 2001 the EBSCO training was integrated into the Integrated Training Center for LIS
Specialists in Lithuania, modules ”Library and Internet” and ”Information Resources”. In 2000 and 2001 14 such training were
organized. The libraries, which do not organize training, provide individual consultations in case users need help.
Table 5. List of EBSCO Publishing training in 2000 - 2001.
The library |
No. of training |
2000 |
2001 |
Klaipeda University Library |
8 |
16 |
Library of Open Society Fund Lithuania |
3 |
2 |
Lithuanian Library of Medicine |
2 |
2 |
Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania |
19 |
18 |
Povilas Visinskis Siauliai County Public Library |
10 |
17 |
Taurage District Public Library |
1 |
2 |
Vilnius Pedagogical University Library |
1 |
0 |
Total: |
44 |
47 |
The subscription of electronic databases is justified when more readers are introduced to them and use them.
The main factors why we need promotion of electronic information are:
- not all users know about new information accessibility in libraries;
- not all users are accustomed to new forms of information.
Overviewing the recent years I would like to point out that we were successful in advertising our information
sources. We paid more attention to mass media by organizing actions like ”Electronic information for Lithuanian readers”. Such
actions were accomplished at the end of the year 2000, and again during the National Library Week in April 2001. We received a
lot of phone calls and e-mails with various questions and opinions about EBSCO and the eIFL Direct project. Sad but true - the
possibility to use such databases like EBSCO in some districts is restricted by costs for the time spent in the Internet.
Answering the question about what are the types of promotion in your library 16 libraries (88,9 % of
respondents) said that the information is always published in the library’s Web-site, reading rooms and notice board. 14
libraries (77,8 % of respondents) are using e-mail messages for distributing information about databases. The last mentioned
method is very effective in academic libraries’ communities in which all staff and students have personal e-mails also in the
libraries with target group of users. The EBSCO Publishing presentations were organized in 7 libraries (38,9 % of respondents).
The academic libraries mentioned that recommendations of academic staff or friends are very effective method of promotion.
We can make a remark that some libraries, which have a little number of computerized workstations for readers,
missed the possibility to serve remote users. The reason is poor EBSCO administration knowledge. The regional mass media in
Siauliai district did not publish an article about EBSCO due to the fact that advertisement elements have been found in the
text. They asked to pay for it. It is understandable that Lithuanian libraries have limited budget for advertisement.
The table 6 represents the list of publications about EBSCO Publishing in the international, country, regional
or institutional publications. The new possibilities to provide information, statistical data, promotion, etc. are discussed in
these publications.
Table 6. The list of publications about EBSCO Publishing.
No. |
The bibliography |
Neisnaudotos galimybes: Tauragiskiai neisnaudoja visu Taurages viesosios bibliotekos paslaugu
/ A. Remeikis, J. Dumasius // Taurages kurjeris. - 1999, gruod. 7. |
Taurages viesosios bibliotekos informacine veikla/ Birute Lukoseviciene // Tarp knygu. -
1999, Nr. 12, p. 7 - 9.
Taurages viesojoje bibliotekoje/ Z. Cepuliene // Tauragiskiu balsas. - 2000, geg. 18, p.
2 |
Elektroniniai zurnalai ant darbo stalo : [interneto informacines sistemos duomenu baze EBSCO
Nacionalineje M. Mazvydo bibliotekoje] / Aldona Armalyte - Portr. // Verslo zinios. - ISSN 1392-2807. - 2000,
geg. 1, p. 16 |
Naujos technologijos ir paslaugos/ Lukoseviciene B. // Tauragiskiu balsas. - 2000, birz. 8.
EBSCO duomenu baze [Klaipedos universiteto bibliotekoje]/ Dzeinara Kaunaite // Klaipedos
universitetas. - 2000, geguze (Nr. 4), p. 11
Access to Electronic Information: Librarian Attitude / by Terese Gustiene, Irena
Kvieselaitiene, Ausra Vaskeviciene // Proceedings of the 6th Congress of Baltic Librarians, October 5-6,
2000, Vilnius, Lithuania.- 2000, p. 242-246.
Atnaujinta bibliotekos interneto svetaine/ Lina Sarlauskiene // Zemyna, 2000, rugsejis, Nr.
25-26, p.8
Elektroniniai leidiniai Lietuvos skaitytojui/ Ausra Vaskeviciene // Dialogas.- ISSN
1392-1916.- 2001 m. sausio 26, Nr. 3 (457), p. 3
Nacionalinei Lietuvos biblioteku savaitei/ Birute Lukoseviciene // Tauragiskiu balsas. -
2001, bal. 21.
Interneto - i biblioteka / Ausra Vaskeviciene - Lent. // Naujoji komunikacija. - ISSN
1392-3927. - 2001, Nr. 8 (87), p. 41-43
Interneto skaityklos Lietuvos mokslinese bibliotekose/ Ausra Vaskeviciene - Iliustr. // Tarp
knygu. - ISSN 0868-8826. - 2001, Nr. 7-8, p. 1-5
Information Services: the Case of the Lithuania National Library Information Centre Libraries in
Knowledge based society / by Ilona Ziliene // Libraries in Knowledge-Based Society: III Nordic - Baltic
Library Meeting, October 25, 2001, Tallinn, National Library of Estonia. - Tallinn, 2001. - p.143-146
Usage of Electronic Documents in Lithuanian Libraries/ Emilija Banionyte and Elena
Maceviciute // Libraries in Knowledge Based Society : Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic - Baltic Library Meeting
October 25-26, 2001 Tallinn, Estonia / Estonian Librarians Association.- Tallin, 2001.- p. 244-249.
Virtual Collection Development/ by Ausra Vaskeviciene // Libraries in Knowledge - Based
Society: Proceedings of the 3th Nordic - Baltic Library Meeting, October 25 - 26, 2001, p. 232 - 237.
Elektroniniu istekliu prenumerata: projekto eiga ir perspektyvos / Ausra Vaskeviciene -
Iliustr. // Tarp knygu.- ISSN 0868-8826.- 2001, Nr. 12, p.10-13.
In conclusion of promotion activities it can be observed that our country does not have any joint or teamwork
practice to promote EBSCO. It is understandable that such work needs additional expenses. It would be better if the article
about EBSCO advertisement for native speakers would be included into agreement. We started to think about such activities only
when we receive more practices to analyze statistical data.
Answering the question about statistical data of EBSCO Publishing usage 13 libraries (72,2 % of respondents)
said that statistical data is observed constantly. 4 libraries (22,2 % of respondents) said that statistical date is observed
from time to time. Only 1 library declared that they do not observe usage statistics. The last mentioned figure is not quite
correct because 6 libraries asked for EBSCO administration help (did not know how to observe the statistical data).
The most research libraries noted that the statistical data satisfy the expectation. Thanks to statistical
analysis some libraries observed the obstacles in the branch libraries and the consultations were provided. The analysis of
statistic’s stimulating new methods of promotion and training.
Finally, asked about other comments respondents mentioned the following:
- Users have a pleasure in searching EBSCO Publishing;
- Respondents with pleasure noted that the content of EBSCO Publishing is growing up;
- There were suggestions to include publications in other languages, not only in English;
- Not all librarians and users observed changes in the medical databases of EBSCO Publishing;
- There were the problems with PDF reading because of slow internet connection;
- Users would like to find more back issues;
- The respondents suggested to create Lithuanian EBSCO interface;
- The respondents wished good luck for coordinator.
Current Situation and Future plans
As we can see from the answers, the project eIFL Direct is running well. Therefore, there are librarians and
users, which need consultations and training. In order to strengthen the usage of electronic information Martynas Mazvydas
National Library of Lithuania started to organize EBSCO Publishing presentations - training. From the beginning of this year
such training is available in the National Library every Wednesday. The audience is library users, librarians, and other
information specialists. Librarians - EBSCO administrators can get individual consultations. The problem of administration has
been solving in 6 libraries - eIFL Direct participants.
The main objective in the future development of eIFL Direct is to create the Lithuanian Research Libraries
Consortium infrastructure. To achieve this goal we need:
- to ensure professional help for libraries in organising access to the electronic information and in using it;
- to ensure professional help for libraries in selecting and subscribing to electronic resources;
- to disseminate information about the plans and activities of the Consortium;
- to encourage the professional development of librarians in the fields of electronic information and providing services to
the patrons;
- to represent Lithuanian libraries in communication with the publishers;
- to co-operate with other library consortiums, special efforts should be given to the establishmant of Baltic Library
Consortium or other multicountry consortiums;
- to participate in the activities of international organisations of librarians and information professionals;
- to represent Lithuanian libraries in various projects and conferences.
In small country, when different types of libraries joint the Consortium, they are faced with the problems of
document selection of publication. EBSCO Publishing is good solution: the database covers not one subject and the content is
growing up.
The system of administration of EBSCO Publishing allows creating logins for remote users, so the libraries with
small number of computerized workplaces for readers can subscribe to it and manage the usage fully. We desiderated professional
advertisement in Lithuanian periodicals.
The eIFL Direct project was promoted in the libraries separately. There were no joint activities in promotion
or training.
The analysis of statistic’s stimulating new methods of usage, promotion and training.
For the past two years the Lithuanian librarians have learned how to manage the databases.
- EBSCO Continues International Expansion with 39-Country Consortium Deal / by Quint, Barbara // Information Today.- Dec99, Vol.
16 Issue 11, p60, 2/5p
- Interneto - i biblioteka / by Ausra Vaskeviciene // Naujoji komunikacija. 2001, Nr. 8 (87), p. 41-43.
- Virtual Collection Development / by Ausra Vaskeviciene // Libraries in Knowledge - Based Society: Proceedings of the 3-th
Nordic-Baltic Library Meeting, Tallin, October 25-26, 2001, p. 232 - 237.
- Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Web-Based Information Resources. (December 2001 revision of original November
1998 Guidelines).-[Cited 2002.03.06].- International Coalition of Llibrary Consortia (ICOLC).- Internet: <http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/2001webstats.htm>
- Elektroniniu istekliu prenumerata: projekto eiga ir perspektyvos / by Ausra Vaskeviciene - Iliustr. // Tarp knygu.- ISSN
0868-8826.- 2001, Nr. 12, p.10-13.