24. ročník konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

29. - 30. května 2018, Praha

Příspěvek konference

Publikování videa: Dlouho očekávaná modernizace vědeckého výzkumu a vzdělávání


Pawel Kania
Twitter Blogger

Dokumenty ke stažení


Some facts to begin with:

  • 60–90 % of scientific articles cannot be reproduced because the methods used and described lack clarity and depth
  • The scientific publishing format is almost the same as 450 years ago. Research has, however, becoming more and more complex over time
  • 65 % of people are visual learners. Videos, in addition to complementary text protocols, offers more clarity, productivity, and reproducibility

An innovative solution:

JoVE is more than a journal or a database. It is a productivity tool that was born from practical necessities and aims at bringing state of the art video demonstrations to the scientific community. Adding the visual component to the still rigid scientific publication landscape, research and education can greatly benefit from the media formats of the „Information Age“. JoVE advances modern science by providing the resources it needs to grow and develop.

O autorovi

Pawel joined JoVE in 2017 as an Account Manager responsible for Eastern Europe. He holds an MA in International Economics from Warsaw School of Economics and a BA in Business Administration from Oxford Brookes University. Prior to JoVE, Pawel lived and worked in Warsaw as a consultant helping start-up ventures to break into market.

As a President of the Student's Union and as an IT & Telco Business Developer, he was involved in implementing an e-learning model at his University, that is why he understands the competitiveness and increasing value of technologically empowered education. Outside of work, Pawel is a great fan of sport, travel enthusiast and passionate about reading.


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