Příspěvek konference
Trendy a technologie v elektronických informačních zdrojích
Koordinátor sekce: Jiří Kadleček, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Čas a místo: 24. 5., 14:15 - 17:55, Vencovského aula
Předplatné EIZ v akademickém a komerčním sektoru
Barbara Dixee, Knovel, Spojené státy americké
Materiály ke stažení
We will present a product presentation highlighting Knovel's unique features; which allow both academic and corporate customers to utilize Knovel to address core organizational goals. These core issues include the introduction of real world problem solving into the classroom, improved marketability of graduating students, increased productivity and lower overall engineer costs on the corporate side.
Profesní informace o autorovi
Barbara Dixee, Director of Global Academic Sales. Barbara has been with Knovel for 8 years, primarily focused on the development of international markets. She has worked with many academic and corporate customers to implement the Knovel solution. Barbara is based on the US east coast.
Barbara Dixee Office: +203 4051360 Mobile: +860 9469313 bdixee@knovel.com