Příspěvek konference

Elektronické knihy v akademickém prostředí

Koordinátor sekce: Filip Vojtášek, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Čas a místo: 25. 5., 08:30 - 11:45, Vencovského aula

Trh (ne)omezených možností a budování fondu elektronických knih v akademické knihovně (případová studie)


Lukasz Bejnar, Wrocław University of Technology - Main Library and Scientific Information Centre, Polsko

Materiály ke stažení


In response of needs and demands of participants of Courses in English Language organized by The University of Technology in Wroclaw, Main Library of The University of Technology in Wroclaw undertook creating a base of e-manuals. This paper presents a project of building E-books Collection as well as realisation of the project. Paper brings also a short description of e-book market in Poland – Suppliers offers and their commercial and economy policy. A lot of attention has been paid also to law issues, the usage of correct terminology, problems and relations between Suppliers and Library.

Profesní informace o autorovi

age: 27 country: Poland (Wroclaw) position: younger librarian department: Acquisition institution: the Main Library of the University of Technology in Wroclaw (50–370 Wroclaw, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27)


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