Paper details

Reinvent! Developing the Skills Needed to Reinvent a Library (workshop)


Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma Libraries, United States

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Librarians can achieve better results for their communities when they learn to overcome thinking that holds them, and their communities back.

In this workshop, we’ll focus on the basic skills needed to enable that to happen, including listening closely, envisioning without restraint and implementing the resulting ideas while respecting current realities. Sessions will be interactive and engaging and attendees will leave with a new set of ideas and ways to use in reshaping their libraries.

Author's professional CV

Carl Grant is the Associate Dean of Knowledge Services and Chief Technology Officer at the University of Oklahoma Libraries. He has demonstrated his commitment to libraries, librarianship, and industry standards through his participation in the Coalition for Networked Information, American Library Association and Association of College and Research Libraries, Library and Information Technology Association and on the board of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). In recognition of his contribution to the library industry, Library Journal named Mr. Grant an “Industry Notable”.

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