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Information Resource Used for Evaluation - From a A & I Database to an Institutional Repository
Jana Doleželová, Academy of Sciences Library, Czech Republic
Zdeňka Chmelařová, Academy of Sciences Library, Czech Republic
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The Institutional Repository of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) was established on the basis of the document “Open Access Policy“, approved by the Academic Council of AS CR on October 14 2010. The Library of Academy of Sciences was assigned to archive full-texts in electronic form in the repository and if permitted by publishing policy also to provide access for public. The repository was created as an extension of the ASEP database system, which is used for archiving publication outputs of the AS CR institutions. The Library of the Academy of Sciences has been a coordinator for data collecting of publications and other results of basic research in AS CR since 1993. The data collection system, data structure and the possibilities of publishing and searching results during the last 20 years experienced a significant progress not only because of the progress in IT technologies, but also due to the development of open access perspectives. On January 2 2012, the ASEP database (based on the ARL library system) became the Institutional Repository of AS CR. It enables to add full texts to all bibliographic records in the database while respecting the publishers’ policy. This paper describes the background of searching for a suitable system and legal clarity of archiving and the final repository workflow in the Institutional Repository of the Academy of Sciences. Of 54 institutes belonging to the Academy of Sciences, 26 have signed the contract on archiving full-texts in the repository in 2012.
Author's professional CV
Since 2002, the authors of this paper have been working as coordinators for collecting publication data and results of applied research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in the Academy of Sciences Library. They are responsible for the administration and development of the ASEP database from creating bibliographic records to their release in an on-line catalogue; they organize seminars and trainings for data administrators in the AS CR’s institutions. In addition, they maintain the web site URL: In 2009, they were fundamentally involved in the establishment and implementation of ASEP Analytics dynamic web site – a tool for creation of analytical, statistical and graphical outputs of results achieved in basic research of the ASCR. In 2011, the authors participated actively in creation of workflow of the Institutional Repository of AS CR and thus in the conversion of the ASEP database into the ASEP repository (2012).