Paper details
Methods of Evaluation of Results of Research and Development and Access to Information
Session coordinator: Ivana Laiblová Kadlecová, Academy of Sciences Library
Time and venue: May 25, 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM, Auditorium D
The National Repository of Grey Literature Network
Iveta Fürstová, National Technical Library, Czech Republic
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The growing need for access to collections of grey literature in the field of science, research and education leading to a coordinated collection building and collection at all levels. National Technical Library (NTL) has provided the collection of grey literature at the national level through the project "The Digital Library for Grey Literature – Functional Model and Pilot Implementation” supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic under research program projects.The project aims to build the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL). A network of grey literature producers has come into being along with the building of the NRGL digital repository. Emergence this network is conditioned by several reasons. NRGL focuses on technical grey literature, especially in science, research and education. The main partners and sources of gray literature in the field of science and research are the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, public research institutions and grant agencies. In the area of education are especially high school, library and museums. Cooperation is also focused on public administration and can occur even in the commercial sector. The partner can not become any body, because NRGL to offer its users the technical documents gray literature with original and valuable content. An important factor contributing to the need for networking is the necessity of abiding by Czech law, primarily laws to do with copyright, the protection of privacy and general contractual rights. Paper presents NRGL building a partner network with specific examples from within the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, research institutions, universities, libraries, etc., and draw attention to important legal issues from the grey literature. To promote cooperation is the project's website ( and developed the methodology, procedures, and organized training.
Author's professional CV
Iveta Fürstová has a Mgr. degree at Silesian University in Opava; The Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, study programme History and museology. She is currently working in the National Technical Library in the project "The Digital Library for Grey Literature – Functional Model and Pilot Implementation” which is focused on building the National Repository of Grey Literature. E-mail: