What is good to know
May 4, 2018
Early birds registration and payment expiration |
May 9, 2018
Deadline of registration cancellation |
May 25, 2018
Standard registration and payment expiration |
May 28, 2018
Workshops |
May 29, 2018
from 8:30 AM, other days – unlimited |
Registration at the University of Economics |
May 29, 2018
10:00 AM |
Opening Session |
May 29, 2018
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Evening party – Infoparty |
The miniexhibition of czech and foreign companies will take place in the foyers and in the first floor of Vencovsky aula and is opened during the whole conference.
View the up-to-date online INFORUM exhibition plan.
Registration Hours
Upon arrival at the conference, check in at the registration desk. There will
be a registration desk set up at the University of Economics, which will work on
Tuesday May 29 from 8.30 AM, in the other conference days is registration
unlimited. Only delegates with valid registration carrying the clearly visible
conference name tag are allowed to enter the conference and exhibition
Conference fee includes admission to all conference sessions,
name badge, conference materials, refreshments during coffee breaks, admission
to the exhibition, and invitation card for evening party (on the basis of online
Workshop fee includes admission to the workshop, materials and
Conference venue and how to get there.
Lunches are provided at the University Dinning Hall and include soup, main course, dessert and soft drink. Please do not forget to indicate in your registration form whether you prefer a vegetarian diet.
Another possibility is to visit restaurants located at the University:
- Pizza VŠEm
- Zdravá výživa
- restaurant Academic club
- Café bar Deštník and Canteen
Or in restaurants close to the University:
- Bistro Domácí těstoviny, Seifertova 573/11
- Poja Restaurant, Seifertova 995/29
- Sladká Monika – cake shop, Vlkova 456/10
- Pizzerie Pasta e Basta, Seifertova 876/7
Internet and cloakroom
University of Economics provides Wi-Fi (free wireless internet) to INFORUM participants. Username and password on request at registration desk.
The cloakroom is available for participants during the whole conference.
The conference fee does not cover accommodation. Participants are asked to arrange their own accommodation. Link to a list of possibilities is here.
Conference invitation letter
Letter of invitation to attend the conference can be requested on demand by sending an email to the organizer. Visa applications are not the responsibility of the conference organizers.
Transportation facilities & Map of Prague
Here you can find Map of Prague in English and journey planner, timetables, more info.
The location does not offer free parking places. However, you can find paid parking on the streets surrounding the venue.
Conference venue and location
Conference INFORUM is held in Prague, Czech Republic at the University of Economics (Vysoká škola ekonomická).
Address of Conference Site
University of Economics, Prague
New building
Winston Churchill Square 4
Prague 3 – Žižkov
Conference sessions will take place in the New Building of University of Economics – Vencovsky Aula and Auditorium D.
Nearest tram stop: Husinecká (tram 2, 5, 9, 26)
Nearest bus stop: Náměstí Winstona Churchilla (bus 135)
To find the best public transport connection please visit the website of Prague Public Transit Company.