Contact us
For conference registration and other information for participants please get in touch with Ms. Andrea Kutnarová.
For further information about the conference please contact us at:
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Stepanska 16
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 222 231 212
Bank details
UniCredit Bank a.s., Jugoslavska 29, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Account No.: 5127725001 Sort code: 2700
Payment ref. No.: = invoice number
IBAN: CZ7327000000005127725001
Please keep in mind that we do not accept cheques nor payment in cash on arrival nor credit card payment on site. Any bank fees are responsibility of the customer (participant).
Are you interested in becoming an exhibitor or sponsor? Please get in touch with Ms. Jana Machonska.