Conference partners
Main Sponsor

Albertina icome Praha Company (est. in 1991) has been maintaining a leading position in distributing resources of electronic information in science, technology, medicine and business in the Czech Republic. AiP’s portfolio encompasses 2 100 titles (accessible primarily online) in order to meet specific needs of its customers – universities, Academy of Sciences, hospitals, government agencies, public libraries as well as private corporations. AiP deals products of 50 world’s top publishers and aggregators (including Ovid, ProQuest, ebrary, John Wiley and Sons, OECD and Knovel). AiP‘s daughter company, Albertina icome Bratislava, represents its business interests in electronic information resources marketplace in the Slovak Republic.
Media and Technology Partners

Ikaros (an electronic journal about the information society) started as a student activity at the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague) in early 1997. The first issue was published on 14th April 1997. Since November 2000 Ikaros has been published by Ikaros, o.s. (a civic association). The journal content focuses mainly on librarianship, information science, new trends in information industry and new media.

„Helping you to make most of your information“
INCAD incorporates and combines the most advanced technologies in the industry
to deliver proven solutions with an emphasis on scalability and reliability.
Incad's focus includes the following areas: Information Acces Solutions,
Digitisation and Software development. Incad is a certified partner of Microsoft
in Enterprise Search and represents companies ImageAccess and Treventus.

Radio LibRa started as a student project of Division of Information and Library Studies at the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in 2007. Nowadays the functionality of the radio is ensured by volunteers – students and graduates from DILS. The basic principle of voluntariness and often change of editors forced LibRa to change from periodical publication to interviews and coverage of significant events in the information and library field – among them, of course, The Inforum conference. You can find the recordings of The LibRa in Inflow magazine which has also started as a student project shielded by DILS.

PIKS TV started in November 2010 as a project by students of the Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Philosophy and Science at Silesian University in Opava (ICS FPS SU). Through webcasts, the field of Information Studies and Library Science taught at the ICS are presented, promoted and popularized. Through short spots, information about events in the field are presented bimonthly. Coverage of the Inforum conference will be available on Facebook, Youtube and Students’ Web Portal beta (a project by students of the Institute of the Czech Language and Library Science at FPS SU in Opava).
Sponsor of Keynote Speaker

More than a content provider or aggregator, ProQuest is an information partner, creating indispensable research solutions that connect people and information. Through innovative, user-centered discovery technology, ProQuest offers billions of pages of global content that includes historical newspapers, dissertations, and uniquely relevant resources for researchers of any level and sophistication—including content not likely to be digitized by others. Serials Solutions, RefWorks-COS, Dialog and Bowker are all part of the ProQuest brand family. Please visit for more information.

RefWorks-COS is a business unit of ProQuest that provides information tools to support researchers at every step of the research process. Our tools support researchers at every level – from students to post-docs, in every kind of organization—from academic institutions to corporations, in any discipline, anywhere in the world. Our main product lines include RefWorks, RefAware, and the COS Research Support Suite. Please visit for more information.

Ovid is a leading global provider of customizable electronic research information solutions. Ovid partners with today’s premier publishers to offer a unique combination of content, tools, and services to help medical schools, hospitals, and healthcare organizations; academic institutions; and pharmaceutical, engineering, and biotechnology companies transform information into knowledge. Users trust Ovid to help them explore a topic, fuel a discovery, or enhance patient care. Ovid is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a division of Wolters Kluwer, a leading global information services company.
Exhibitors & Other Contributors - Czech & Slovak

AiP Beroun, a daughter company of Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., is focused on non-contact digitizing of manuscripts, rare prints, paintings, posters, maps and other similar documents, and makes the own and other partners results of digitization available on the Internet. AiP Beroun collaborates with many European memory institutions, of course with the National Library of the Czech Republic and with Czech libraries and archives. Important project is the development and operation of the European digital library Manuscriptorium. Collective project of European digital libraries EUROPEANA and the project ENRICH are based on the Manuscriptorium. AiP Beroun is also involved in electronic publishing accessible above all on the Internet.

Albertina icome Praha Company (est. in 1991) has been maintaining a leading position in distributing resources of electronic information in science, technology, medicine and business in the Czech Republic. AiP’s portfolio encompasses 2 100 titles (accessible primarily online) in order to meet specific needs of its customers – universities, Academy of Sciences, hospitals, government agencies, public libraries as well as private corporations. AiP deals products of 50 world’s top publishers and aggregators (including Ovid, ProQuest, ebrary, John Wiley and Sons, OECD and Knovel). AiP‘s daughter company, Albertina icome Bratislava, represents its business interests in electronic information resources marketplace in the Slovak Republic.

Cosmotron was founded in 1992. The company is specialized in development of information systems. Dynamics and growth of the company was in 2008 attested by quality certificate according to ISO 9001. Major product is the software Advanced Rapid Library (ARL). ARL is determined for automation and administration of libraries, museums, galleries, archives and information centers. Another domain includes identification systems – bar codes and RFID technology – for library use. Also advisory and analytical services, installation, inplementation, permanent support and next development guarantee are provided. Organizations of various orientation and dimension are the company clients. The part of the services involves products for the protection of library fund and additional bar code services.

DERS s. r. o. is a Czech company engaged in providing software, system integration, consulting activity, processing of data and applications of statistical methods. Our strategy: „Providing software and services with verifiable additional value for the customer, reliability and open approach in dealing with the customer and also in internal communication.“ Amongst the supporting software product belongs the information system OBD focused on processing agendas of science and research, the application server VERSO designated for the integration and development of the information systems in the Web environment.

„Helping you to make most of your information“
INCAD incorporates and combines the most advanced technologies in the industry
to deliver proven solutions with an emphasis on scalability and reliability.
Incad's focus includes the following areas: Information Acces Solutions,
Digitisation and Software development. Incad is a certified partner of Microsoft
in Enterprise Search and represents companies ImageAccess and Treventus.

Complex solutions for libraries We offer advanced software solutions that enable institutions to manage the full spectrum of library materials and processes and to empower patrons to identify and obtain the information they need quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere. Our portfolio comprises six cutting edge products from Ex Libris (Primo, Rosetta, DigiTool, SFX, MetaLib and Verde). You will find us in leading Czech libraries, e.g. National Library, National Technical Library and Charles University. Our SW supports the Uniform Information Gateway – the most important library service in CR. Our company is ISO 9001 certified.

SVOP company was founded in 1991, has a seat in Bratislava. The main product named DAWINCI is an information system appointed for library automation. The company provides support of library and information services, training program and web design for libraries. Company is co-operating with Ministry of Education of Slovak republic, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and universities´ workplaces and is participating on several projects in education, science and research fields. Those projects are CRPA – Central Register of Publishing Activity, EAA – Evidence of Art Activity, ET – Evidence of Thesis (local repository) and CRT – Central register of thesis. Except the projects mentioned above the SVOP company implements and provides an algorithm for detecting plagiarism for CRT requirements.
Exhibitors & Other Contributors - foreign

Alexander Street is a publisher of award-winning, online collections in Music (streaming music, reference works, and scores); Performing Arts (dance and opera videos, theatre performance videos, and audio drama); Counseling (videos of therapy sessions and full-text transcripts);Education (videos of teaching demonstrations) ;Anthropology (Ethnographic Video Online); Sociology (Social Theory); Literature, Drama and Film (full-text plays, fiction, poetry, film scripts); Religion; and Social & Cultural History (primary materials, History in Video, Women’s History, Indigenous and Black Studies).

Blackwell is a leading provider of books, eBooks and bibliographic support products to academic, research and public libraries throughout Europe. It combines traditional bookselling expertise with the latest developments in library technology. Special offers are regularly promoted, giving customers great savings on pre-publication prices. Blackwell also offer a cataloguing, physical processing and shelf-ready service, and can support acquisitions with Collection Manager, new title announcements and Blackwell Recommends, its monthly brochure of new titles.

Burgundy Information Services represent a wide range of Publishers and e-Content Aggregators from around the world. We specialise in negotiating the delivery of scholarly information to Libraries and Information Centres throughout Europe. We are a young, independent and highly motivated company based in Oxfordshire, England.

CABI is a leading not for profit publisher, with 100 years of experience in scientific information provision. CABI is committed to providing high value scholarly databases and books to meet the needs of the scientific community. Our expertise includes animal sciences, entomology, plant sciences, environmental sciences, human health, parasitology, mycology, crop protection, rural economics, rural development, and leisure and tourism.

Cambridge University Press advances learning, knowledge and research worldwide. It is an integral part of the University of Cambridge and for centuries has extended its research and teaching activities by making available worldwide. The Press publishes a suite of high quality, dynamic e-publishing solutions. Products include Cambridge Journals Online with over 230 quality journals and the newly launched Cambridge Books Online as well as Cambridge Companions Online, Shakespeare Survey Online and Lectrix.

For more than 260 years the name De Gruyter has been synonymous with high-quality publishing in the humanities and natural sciences. The scope of our publishing program includes theology and philosophy, biology and chemistry, linguistics and literature, mathematics, physics, and materials science, history and archaeology, as well as law and medicine. De Gruyter has consistently worked with leading scholars to establish itself as a key international publisher. eBooks, eJournals, and databases are available on our online platform ReferenceGlobal to which each year over 500 new titles are added.

ebrary provides libraries with the greatest value in the industry! We offer more than 273,000 e-books from over 500 publishers under subscription, perpetual access, and Patron Driven Acquisition models; the ability to upload and integrate your own documents with DASH!™ (Data Sharing, Fast); a world-renowned interface with InfoTools™ and other powerful features; and much more. For a demonstration or more information, stop by our stand on ground floor or visit

Elsevier is the leading STM publisher. Our mission to accelerate science and improve outcomes led to SciVerse, a recently launched hub that integrates content from our popular sources for high quality information, ScienceDirect and Scopus, as well as SciTopics, targeted Web Content and community developed applications. Our SciVal Suite completes our portfolio by providing bibliometric and funding data. These services significantly contribute to research-productivity, whilst saving space and time searching for suitable content. For more information please visit our stand on ground floor or our website.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited is a leading independent publisher of global
research with impact in business, society, public policy and education.
Established in 1967, Emerald now publishes 200+ journals, 300+ books and 100+
book series as well as an extensive range of online products and services.
Emerald has representation in Australasia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Dubai,
India, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, USA, with headquarters located in Bingley, UK.
Emerald employs over 250 people worldwide. All of the world’s top
100 business schools (listed by the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings
2010 – FT 100) have Emerald authors or Editorial Board members.

Gale, part of Cengage Learning, is a world leader in e-research and
educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Best known for its
accurate and authoritative reference content as well as its intelligent
organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles, the company creates
and maintains more than 600 databases that are published online, in print, as
eBooks and in microform.
The Gale family of publishing imprints includes such noted reference brands as
Macmillan Reference, Charles Scribner's Sons and Primary Source Media. Gale
serves the needs of individuals, learning institutions and corporations with
products and services for both traditional and distributed learning.

Knovel is a Web-based application integrating technical information with analytical and search tools to drive innovation and deliver answers engineers can trust. Knovel users include thousands of engineers and applied scientists worldwide. Knovel has more than 600 customers worldwide including 73 of the Fortune 500 companies and more than 300 leading universities. Founded in 2000, Knovel is a private company headquartered in New York City. For more information, visit or call (866) 240–8174.

MIPP International is a supplier of books, periodicals, electronic databases from Post-Soviet states. The company provides access to comprehensive collection of electronic newspapers, magazines, books, dissertations and legislation from Russia and CIS countries. The range of electronic products supplied by MIPP International is constantly growing so that universities, libraries that are carrying out researches on Russia and CIS states have more opportunities to satisfy their scholarship needs.

Ovid is a leading global provider of customizable electronic research information solutions. Ovid partners with today’s premier publishers to offer a unique combination of content, tools, and services to help medical schools, hospitals, and healthcare organizations; academic institutions; and pharmaceutical, engineering, and biotechnology companies transform information into knowledge. Users trust Ovid to help them explore a topic, fuel a discovery, or enhance patient care. Ovid is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a division of Wolters Kluwer, a leading global information services company.

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. In addition to publishing over 4,600 new books each year, Oxford University Press is a major provider of online information to libraries and individuals worldwide. Oxford Journals, a Division of Oxford University Press, publishes well over 220 journals, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations.

More than a content provider or aggregator, ProQuest is an information partner, creating indispensable research solutions that connect people and information. Through innovative, user-centered discovery technology, ProQuest offers billions of pages of global content that includes historical newspapers, dissertations, and uniquely relevant resources for researchers of any level and sophistication—including content not likely to be digitized by others. Serials Solutions, RefWorks-COS, Dialog and Bowker are all part of the ProQuest brand family. Please visit for more information.

RefWorks-COS is a business unit of ProQuest that provides information tools to support researchers at every step of the research process. Our tools support researchers at every level – from students to post-docs, in every kind of organization—from academic institutions to corporations, in any discipline, anywhere in the world. Our main product lines include RefWorks, RefAware, and the COS Research Support Suite. Please visit for more information.

SAGE is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets. Since 1965, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students spanning a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine. An independent company, SAGE has principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC.

Springer is the second-largest publisher of journals in the science, technology, and medicine (STM) sector and the largest publisher of STM books. It publishes on behalf of more than 300 academic associations and professional societies. Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media, one of the world’s leading suppliers of scientific and specialist literature. The group publishes over 1,700 journals and more than 5,500 new books a year, as well as the largest STM eBook Collection worldwide. Springer has operations in over 20 countries in Europe, the USA, and Asia, and some 5,000 employees.

Taylor & Francis Group is one of the leading international academic publishers, producing around 1,800 books and 1,500 journals annually under the imprints of Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and CRC Press. Our innovative range of online products includes reference works, eJournals, abstracting databases and currently 17,000 eBooks. Through CRCnetBASE we offer instant access to the world's premier scientific and technical information with added support for libraries. Visit our stand to find out more!

Thieme Publishing Group, based in Stuttgart, Germany, is a privately held, medical and scientific publishing company. 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the company founded in 1886. For 125 years, Thieme's high quality books and journals have been a vital resource for scientists, physicians, researchers and academics. Thieme publishes 130 peer-reviewed journals and over 500 new books annually. All scientific and an increasing number of medical publications are also available online. Please visit company website for additional information on the whole range of Thieme’s electronic resources including eJournals, eBooks and chemistry resources like Science of Synthesis.

Wiley-Blackwell is one of the world’s foremost academic and professional publishers and the largest society publisher. With a combined list of more than 1,500 scholarly peer-reviewed journals and an extensive collection of books, reference works, protocols and specialized databases, this global business sets the standard for publishing in the life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities.
Other Contributors

For over a century, H.W. Wilson has provided libraries with the highest-quality references in the world. The Company offers more than 75 databases on the acclaimed WilsonWeb platform: full text databases: delivering full articles from thousands of periodicals; retrospective databases: the complete journalistic record of people, developments and controversies in a wide range of fields; biography databases: in-depth profiles of newsmakers in all areas of endeavor; image databases, and more. For more information, visit company websites.

The University of Economics, Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze) is the leading university in the field of management and economics in the Czech Republic. The University of Economics, Prague has six faculties – five in Prague and one in Jindřichův Hradec in South Bohemia. These include: the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics and the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. The faculty based in Jindřichův Hradec is specialized in management.