Detaily příspěvku konference
Trendy a novinky ve využívání informací
Koordinátor: Jiří Kadleček, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 28. 5. 2009, 8.30 - 12.10, Vencovského aula
Novinky vydavatelství Knovel
Autor: Barbara Dixee, Knovel, USA
Plné texty
This presentation will provide a product demonstration, as well as, updates on what is new. We will discuss how Knovel's unique search engine provides users with access to reliable and relevant information quickly; which would be undiscoverable in other resources, providing users with enhanced value in a difficult economy.
O autorovi:
Barbara is the Director of Global Academic Sales for Knovel. Ms. Dixee joined the Knovel Team in January of 2003, bringing 11 years of sales management and operations experience to the team. Prior to joining Knovel she served as the Operations and Sales Manager for Manufacturing Solutions, a leading edge electronic design and project management firm. Having developed one of the first project management teams in the industry, bringing together both domestic and international partners into a solid team, to provide a one of kind customer sales and support team. Since joining Knovel Ms. Dixee has worked extensively with both academic and corporate Librarian’s world-wide to help develop, roll-out and maintain successful E-book programs. Ms. Dixee has helped to build several unique consortium's, to respond to specific community needs. Ms Dixee now leads the Academic department for Knovel.
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