Detaily příspěvku konference

Trendy a novinky ve využívání informací

Koordinátor: Jiří Kadleček, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 28. 5. 2009, 8.30 - 12.10, Vencovského aula

Elektronické časopisy, knihy a sbírky digitalizovaných informací pro akademické knihovny

Autor: Paul Fertl, GALE - A Cengage Learning Company, Německo

Plné texty


The eJournal, eBook and Digital Collections from Gale are unreached in their depth and breadth. Gale delivers first class resources for every Academic Library and it’s easy to integrate into your Library System. Academic OneFile - This eJournal collection is specially designed to meet the needs of the discerning academic insitutions. The journals content is outstanding and provides coverage of all academic disciplines. It comprised more then 12,000 titles of which are more than 5,300 in full text. More then 50 % of the content is non – US and the database has a low level of embbargoes. Gale Virtual Reference Library - Gale is taking eBooks to the next level by delivering their award winning reference content in an easy-to-use database format. Currently more than 2.500 titles from Cengage Gale and other publishers are available on the GVRL platform. Subjects ranging from Literature to Science, History to Business, Religion to Technology. We show the benefits of implementing your own virtual library into your library system. Gale Digital Collectins - Gale has changed the nature of research and education forever with Gale Digital Collections. We’ve opened a wealth of rare, formerly inaccessible historical content from the world’s most prestigious libraries to faculty, researchers and students. Eighteenth Century Collections Online is the most ambitious single digitization project ever undertaken. It delivers every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in Great Britain during the eighteenth century. Eighteenth Century Collections Online vividly brings this period to life with materials ranging from books and directories to Bibles, sheet music, sermons and advertisements. • 26 million pages of text from more than 138,000 titles (155,000 volumes) • Full-text search capabilities • Well-known and lesser-known authors • Canonical titles of the period as well as contemporary works that analyze and debate those titles

O autorovi:

Paul Fertl Sales Director GALE - A Cengage Learning Company.

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