Paper details

Evaluation and Electronic Information Resources

Session coordinator: Ivana Laiblová Kadlecová, Academy of Sciences Library, Czech Republic

Where: 28. 5. 2009, 13.30 - 17.05, Auditorium D

Citation Statistics Based Evaluation of S & R Output or IF – a Good Servant but a Bad Master

Autor: Petr Ráb, Academy Council, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Ivana Laiblová Kadlecová, Academy of Sciences Library, Czech Republic



 „This is a report about the use and misuse of citation data in the assessment of scientific research. The idea that research assessment must be done using „simple and objective“ methods is increasingly prevalent today. The „simple and objective“ methods are broadly interpreted as bibliometrics, that is, citation data and the statistics derived from them. There is a belief that citation statistics are inherently more acurate because they substitute simple numbers for complex judgments, and hence overcome the possible subjectivity of peer review. But this belief is unfounded.“

There is a beggining of interesting document called "Citation Statistics", a report from the  International Mathematical union in cooperation with the International  Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, authors
Robert Adler, John Ewing and Peter  Taylor. This document shows than indicators then  IF types are fare and more fetiches of modern time than real indicators of qualitity of science
they are not understand right, or comprehended or used improperly. According to our problem where this indicator is used incorrectly or inadequately, for example : IF = 2 is worse than IF= 8, because at first case the value is lower than value 1 for one dwarf, while in second case is more than value 1 for one dwarf from Snowhite tale, we consider this will be  important to inform about this document all concerned parties of INFORUM.

About author:

Doc. Ing. Petr Ráb, DrSc. (*1951) je vedoucí Sekce evoluční biologie a genomiky živočichů a vedoucí Laboratoře genetiky ryb ÚŽFG AV ČR, v.v.i. V Liběchově. Byl na zahraničních pracovních dlouhodobých pobytech v MNHN v Paříži, UWM v Millwaukee, UL v Lisabonu a dalších. V současnosti je řešitelem části Centra pro výzkum biodiverzity a spoluřešitelem grantu GAČR, v minulosti byl řešitele nebo spoluřešitelem více grantů GAČR,GAAAV a MŽP zaměřených na různé genetické aspekty biodiversity ryb a zejména deskriptivní a molekulární cytogenetiku a cytotaxonomii sladkovodních ryb. WoS: 92 záznamů (6 prací přijato do tisku), 440 citací(bez autociatcí), h-index = 16. Je spoluatorem skript JU "Genetika ryb" a autorem nebo spoluatorem kapitol v 5 knihách. Habilitován pro obor zoologie na UK v Praze,kde vede výběrovou přednášku, v součastnosti je školitelem dvou PhD studentů, 5 PhD studentů již obhájilo, byl vedoucím několika diplomových prací. Je členem čtyř Oborových rad na UK v Praze, na JU v Č. Budějovicích a VURH ve Vodňanech. Je členem Akademické rady AV ČR odpovědným za institucionální financování, databáze vědeckých informací a hodnocení vědecké a odborné výkonnosti pracovišť AV ČR. Netrestán, bezúhonný, zato ženat, dvě dospělé dcery, dva malinkatí pejskové, sbírka kaktusů a několik akvárií.

Other papers in this session:

Making Use and Sense of Scholarly Usage Data

Author: Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Evaluation of R & D Results in the Czech Republic: A Tool for Making Decisions

Author: Martin Matějka, Government Council, Office of the Government Council for Research and Developement, Czech Republic

How to Avoid Problems in Including Dedications in Web of Science

Author: Věra Kroftová, Agrotest fyto, Ltd., Czech Republic

Evaluation of Publication Activities at the First Medical Faculty in the Context of Actual Scientific Work Evaluation in accordance with the Register of Scientific Informations. Results, Expectations, Specifications

Author: Aleš Žák, Charles University in Prague - 1st Medical Faculty, Czech Republic


Hana Skálová, Jana Patočková, Marek Vecka - Charles University in Prague - 1st Medical Faculty, Czech Republic

International Cooperation of Authors and Editors in Scientific Journals Standardization, Its Significance for Research Development and Further Criteria for Science Evaluation (On the Margin of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Vancouver Group Foundation)

Author: Milan Špála, Charles University - 1st Medical Faculty, Czech Republic

Effectiveness of Usage of Information Resources in Scientific and Research Process and in Education

Author: Jana Ilavská, Comenius University in Bratislava - Academic Library, Slovak Republic