14. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Trendy a novinky ve využívání informací I.

Koordinátor: Jiří Kadleček, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 28. 5. 2008, 14.00 - 17.00, Nová aula

Distribuce elektronických dokumentů: současný stav a trendy

Autor: Mohamad Al-Baghdadi, ebrary, USA

Plné texty


Mohamad Al-Baghdadi will be discussing which innovations are and will be successful for libraries and organizations with regards to eBooks/electronic content, as well as how many institutions and businesses are integrating electronic content across multiple vendors and platforms. Mr. Al-Baghdadi will describe more effective solutions for the distribution of electronic content in the future as well as the many trends in the industry and how to determine which are worth exploring and following. During his presentation,Mohamad Al-Baghdadi will also discuss which functionalities and technologies are required to achieve cohesiveness, thus making content accessible and useful for end users. He will use examples of problems and explain potential solutions for them in both present and future terms. Mr. Al-Baghdadi will also give a presentation of how ebrary's innovations bridge the present and the future with a product demonstration (if allowed).

Ostatní příspěvky v sekci

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Autor: David Lawson, ProQuest, Velká Británie

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Autor: Martina Näkel, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG / K.G. Saur Verlag, Německo

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