13th Conference on Professional Information Resources

Paper details

Searching the Web and Heterogeneous Information Resources for Institutions

Session coordinator: Jakub Petřík, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic

Where: 29. 5. 2008, 13.30 - 16.50, New Auditorium

Innovative Approach To Information Overload Solution

Autor: Jiří Šmerda, Masaryk University - Institute of Computer Science, Czech Republic


Vladimír Dosoudil / Marek Winkler, Masaryk University - Faculty of Informatics



People encounter two problems during their work with information. The first one is information insufficiency, even absence of awareness of information accessibility. Discovery of new information sources and information contained in them can bring us the second problem - information overload. It appears that information overload can be managed by previously unknown information. In this paper, we present information integration process that makes solution of both problems easier. Crucial techniques are information synthesis from heterogeneous data sources, working with uncertainty, with context dependent information, with semantics and advanced visualization methods. We demonstrate these techniques utilization on selected use cases from university environment. We introduce technology which goal is to help user with management of information insufficiency and information overload. We present a specific solution which is based on the introduced technology. The solution is being developed at Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University in collaboration with Knowledge and Information Robots Laboratory at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University.

About author:

Mgr. Jiří Šmerda has a three-year experience with information system design at Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University, a two-year experience with development in the field of knowledge and information robots. He works on digital libraries university project. PhD. student at Faculty of Informatics (knowledge and information robots application in digital libraries domain), member of Knowledge and Information Robots Laboratory at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. He works at Mycroft Mind, a.s. (knowledge and information robots application design in digital libraries domain) and at Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University (Student Registry design and management).

Other papers in this session:

Finding Material for Presentations in the Web 2.0 and Using It

Author: Patrick Danowski, Berlin State Library, Germany

Web 2.0, Search 2.0 - Where Is Rhyme?

Author: Vilém Sklenák, University of Economics, Czech Republic

Memory Institutions And Their Services in Enviroment of Web2.0. Authorities As Ontological Platform For Making Accessible of Memory Institutions Collections.

Author: Nadežda Andrejčíková, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava - Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak republic

Deep Indexing: An Innovation in Search and Discovery of Scholarly Material

Author: Jim McGinty, Cambridge Information Group, USA

Detection of the Thematic Social Nets with the Aid of WWW

Author: Jiří Jelínek, University of Economics - Faculty of Management, Czech Republic