13th Conference on Professional Information Resources

Paper details

Poster Session

Session coordinator: Jana Machonská, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic

Where: 28. 5. 2008, 16.00 - 17.30, Auditorium D

The tezaurus Medical Subject Headings – Czech Translation in the MTMS

Autor: Lenka Maixnerová, National Medical Library, Czech Republic


Alena Šímová, Helena Bouzková, Filip Kříž, Ondřej Horsák, Marie Votípková, National Medical Library, Czech Republic



Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is a controlled vocabulary of medical and health terms, which is used for indexing, cataloguing and searching biomedical and health-related information. Created by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), Bethesda. The terms (descriptors) of the vocabulary are arranged in a hierarchy to the tree structure. The MeSH also contains database “Supplementary Concept Records”, which includes the names of chemicals and their synonyms. At present the dictionary contains cca 25.000 main descriptors and cca 170.000 names of chemicals. The MeSH is available in 17 language translations. The Czech version has been created National Medical Library (NML), Prague since 1977, computerized since 1990. Since 2005 the thezaurus has been translated online in MeSH Translation Maintenance System (MTMS), which is produced NLM Bethesda for translation needs. The use of the MTMS is for the purpose of translation free. The MTMS translations are automatically included to the Unified Medical Language and Retrieval System (UMLS). The translators receive data in XML format on demand. The NML in cooperation with the AiP Beroun issue the MeSH including chemicals on the DVD Bibliomedica. The NLM plans to make MeSH available in the portal Medvik.

About author:

Lenka Maixnerová works as head of the Department of Bibliography and Cataloguing of the National Medical Library, Prague.

Other papers in this session:

Serbian Wordnet for Biomedical Sciences

Author: Sanja Antonic, University of Belgrade - University Library "Svetozar Markovic", Serbia


Cvetana Krstev, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, Serbia

Corporate Culture as a Basis for Sharing Information and Building Corporate Knowledge

Author: Michaela Dombrovská, Charles University - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Czech Republic

Yesterday, today and tomorrow times of Subject Gateway Art and Architecture

Author: Květa Hartmanová, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague Library, Czech Republic


Václav Kapsa, Czech National Library / Jiří Pavlík, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Subject Categories in JCR Science Edition and Their “Median Impact Factor”

Author: Věra Kroftová, Agricultural Research Institute Kroměříž, Ltd., Agrotest fyto, Ltd., Czech Republic

InfoLitGlobal: A New Information Literacy Resources Directory

Author: Heike vom Orde, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, Germany

Community 2.0 and Its Consulting Potential: An Example from a Medical Environment

Author: Vendula Papíková, Centre of Biomedical Informatics, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Richard Papik, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Interlibrary Loan Service in the context of Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition of Serbian Libraries - KoBSON

Author: Dragana Stolic, University of Belgrade - University Library

The Digital Library for the Blind

Author: Norbert Végh, Slovak Library for the Blind, Slovak Republic