Koordinátor: Andrea Kutnarová, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2007, 8.00 - 16.00, sborník INFORUM 2007
Autor: Danie Malan, University of Pretoria - Academic Information Service, Jižní Afrika
Librarians of Academic and Public Libraries facilitate access to learning opportunities, enabling a learning culture and working partnership with students and researchers by providing information and bring together learners and learning opportunities. By doing this they must understand the principles of lifelong learning. This paper explores the theoretical issues of program outcomes through shared assessment of student and adult learning, the participation of the librarian and the mentor.
CV of D J R Malan Born on 18 June 1966. Married with 2 boys. Start studying in 1985 at the University of Pretoria. Complete the following degrees and diplomas: • Bachelor of Arts degree. University of Pretoria. 1988 • Theology degree. University of Pretoria. 1992 • Bachelor of Library and Information Science. University of Pretoria. 1995 • Practical Project Management Certificate. University of South Africa. 1999 • Higher Diploma in Education. University of Pretoria. 1999 • Masters in Business Administration 2003. University of Pretoria • PhD (Currently registered) Start working in the Academic Information Service (Library) in 1989 as a student part time in the reserved section. In 1995 became the head of facilities in the library and in 2003 got transferred to worked as Information Specialist in: • Geology • Geography • Informatics • Information Science • Materials and Metallurgical Engineering • Mining Engineering Attend several short courses such as: • Emotional Intelligence • Crucial Conversations • WebCT • ClickUp • Operations Strategy Love all sports.
Autor: Tomáš Rain, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Ivana Švarcová / Česká zemědělská univerzita v PrazeAutor: Eva Bartůňková, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Jindřich Pilař / Národní knihovna České republiky - Knihovnický institut / další spolupráce: řešitelský tým oborové brány