Koordinátor: Jakub Petřík, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2007, 15.45 - 17.30, Posluchárna D
Autor: Heike vom Orde, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, Německo
The Adult Learning Documentation and Information Network (ALADIN) has been established to support networking and capacity building between documentation centres in the area of adult learning. It emerged in 1997 from a CONFINTEA V workshop in Hamburg which focused explicitly on adult education documentation and information. Today it comprises of about 100 documentation centres in more than 40 countries in all regions of the world, with some being complex university libraries, some being small NGO Resource Centres and others being virtual collections. Its main communication platforms are the ALADIN website at: http://www.unesco.org/education/aladin and the ALADIN Listserv, an e-Mail connection between all ALADIN members. ALADIN works for a global learning society, where information and knowledge on adult learning is created, well documented and made accessible to all. The mission of ALADIN is networking and capacity-building of adult-learning documentation and information services for a global network of networks. It thereby facilitates informed policy-making, research and programme development by making accessible relevant documentation and continuously updated information on adult learning. To fulfill its mission, ALADIN is working towards serving as an information broker between researchers/practitioners and policy makers by sharing relevant information on adult-learning, correcting the uneven distribution of adult-learning documentation and information resources, and providing training in adult-learning knowledge management. The various activities of ALADIN are co-ordinated by Lisa Krolak, the Head of Documentation at the UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE) in close co-operation with the ALADIN Task Force.
Heike vom Orde Graduate Education: M.A. in Psychology and German Literature, Degree in academic librarianship Present Title: Head of documentation Institution: International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (an international documentation and research centre on children's, youth and educational TV), a department of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation (BR) Selected Presentations: IFLA annual conferences 2003 and 2004 (Berlin/Buenos Aires); DGI 2003 (Leipzig); ISI 2004 (Chur); Internet Librarian International 2005 (London); IASL 2006 (Lisbon); GMW 2006 (Zurich)
Autor: Alena Balvínová, Univerzita Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha
Jan Soukup / Univerzita Karlova - Přirodovědecká fakulta, Radka Lukášová / Univerzita Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakultaAutor: Iva Horová, Knihovna Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Autor: Zibute Petrauskiene, Vilnius University, Litva
Autor: Edita Lichtenbergová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Jaroslava Svobodová, Hana Kubalová / Národní knihovna České republikyAutor: Eva Marvanová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Autor: Věra Kroftová, Zemědělský výzkumný ústav Kroměříž, s.r.o., Agrotest fyto, s.r.o.
Autor: Stela Filipi Matutinovic, University Library Svetozar Markovic, Srbsko
Biljana Kosanovic / National Library of SerbiaAutor: Miroslava Jakubeková, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum v Trenčíne
Autor: Dagmar Brechlerová, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR v.v.i., Praha
Autor: Milena Dobreva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulharsko
Zoran Ognjanović / Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Nikola Ikonomov / Institute for Bulgarian LanguageAutor: Petr Žabička, Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně
Lukáš Matějka, Adam Brokeš / Moravská zemská knihovna v BrněAutor: Beáta Sedláčková, Slezská univerzita v Opavě
Autor: Baiba Holma, University of Latvia, Lotyšsko
Daina Pakalna / University of LatviaAutor: Adéla Jarolímková, CESNET, z.s.p.o., Praha
Petr Lesný, Jan Vejvalka, Kryštof Slabý, Marek Turnovec / Fakultní nemocnice v MotoleAutor: Vendula Papíková, Centrum biomedicínské informatiky, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., Praha
Richard Papík / Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví