Koordinátor: Jakub Petřík, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2007, 15.45 - 17.30, Posluchárna D
Autor: Zibute Petrauskiene, Vilnius University, Litva
Latterly, there are a lot of attempts to make scientific information freely accessible. However, greater part of information, intended to be used for scientific work and learning is available only by purchase. The bulk of scientific information is stored in scientific (academic) databases. Problems of database purchase and effective usage are relevant to libraries of different countries.
The following problems are being analysed in the report:
Zibute Petrauskiene graduate student (Dr.) of VU CF (Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University), Head of VUL (Vilnius University Library) Department of User Service Education: Vilnius University.
Dates attended: 1981-1986. Diploma in Library and Information Science, 1986.
Graduate school: doctoral student of Vilnius University Faculty of Communication; since 2002.
Workplace: Vilnius University Library. Since 1995 to present.
Position and Duties: Head, User Service Department. Responsible for organisation of public service, database subscribing and use, instruction of users and development of electronic information services in the Library. Give lecture course of Electronic information services in library for students of VU Comunication Faculty.
Subject of graduation dissertation is associated with Electronic information resources in Lithuanian academic libraries.
Participation in projects: TEMPUS (1998-98); UNESCO Memory of the World (1997-1998); BTMC (2000-2002); DELCIS (2001-2003); PHARE 2000 ŽIPF Initiative of librarians' learning - assumption of growth of informational society (2003); DPE - Digital preservation Europe (2006-2008).
Autor: Alena Balvínová, Univerzita Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha
Jan Soukup / Univerzita Karlova - Přirodovědecká fakulta, Radka Lukášová / Univerzita Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakultaAutor: Iva Horová, Knihovna Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Autor: Heike vom Orde, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, Německo
Lisa Krolak / UNESCO Institute for Lifelong LearningAutor: Edita Lichtenbergová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Jaroslava Svobodová, Hana Kubalová / Národní knihovna České republikyAutor: Eva Marvanová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Autor: Věra Kroftová, Zemědělský výzkumný ústav Kroměříž, s.r.o., Agrotest fyto, s.r.o.
Autor: Stela Filipi Matutinovic, University Library Svetozar Markovic, Srbsko
Biljana Kosanovic / National Library of SerbiaAutor: Miroslava Jakubeková, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum v Trenčíne
Autor: Dagmar Brechlerová, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR v.v.i., Praha
Autor: Milena Dobreva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulharsko
Zoran Ognjanović / Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Nikola Ikonomov / Institute for Bulgarian LanguageAutor: Petr Žabička, Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně
Lukáš Matějka, Adam Brokeš / Moravská zemská knihovna v BrněAutor: Beáta Sedláčková, Slezská univerzita v Opavě
Autor: Baiba Holma, University of Latvia, Lotyšsko
Daina Pakalna / University of LatviaAutor: Adéla Jarolímková, CESNET, z.s.p.o., Praha
Petr Lesný, Jan Vejvalka, Kryštof Slabý, Marek Turnovec / Fakultní nemocnice v MotoleAutor: Vendula Papíková, Centrum biomedicínské informatiky, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., Praha
Richard Papík / Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví