Detaily příspěvku konference
Prezentace posterů
Koordinátor: Jakub Petřík, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2007, 15.45 - 17.30, Posluchárna D
SEEDI - digitalizační iniciativa zemí jihovýchodní Evropy
Autor: Milena Dobreva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Zoran Ognjanović / Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Nikola Ikonomov /
Institute for Bulgarian Language
The availability of high quality digital content is in the basis of humanitarian and social research. Smaller countries from the
South-Eastern Europe are still far from moving in line with the European Commission guidelines. The European Commission
Recommendation of 24 August 2006 on the digitization and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation
recommends setting up of large and sustained digitization facilities, encouraging partnerships between cultural institutions and
the private sector, solving the problems around orphan works as well as developing clear quantitative targets for digitization
efforts. The practices in South-Eastern Europe are still not matching the priorities communicated on the top EC level. To help
the development of joint activities of international teams from the region and increase local capacities, a group of
professionals decided to launch the South-Eastern European Digitization Initiative (SEEDI). It is an international effort to
develop awareness about digitization of cultural and scientific heritage in the South-Eastern Europe (SEE) and to bring together
representatives of all stakeholders in the cultural heritage domain. The paper will present the activities of SEEDI in the last
three years, its conferences and international journal and a vision for the future.
O autorovi:
Dr. Milena Dobreva, Assoc. Prof. ― Chair of the Department Digitisation of Scientific Heritage, Institute of Mathematics and
Informatics, BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev St., bl. 8, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria, a founding member of SEEDI, e-mail: Dr.
Zoran Ognjanović, Research Assoc. Prof., Chair of the National UNESCO Committee for digitization, Mathematical Institute of the
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Kneza Mihaila 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, a founding member of SEEDI, e-mail: Dr. Nikola Ikonomov, Assoc. Prof. ― Chair of Laboratory on Phonetics and Speech Communication, Institute
for Bulgarian Language, BAS, Shipchenski prohod 52, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria, a founding member of SEEDI, e-mail:
Ostatní příspěvky v sekci
Autor: Alena Balvínová, Univerzita Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha
Jan Soukup / Univerzita Karlova - Přirodovědecká fakulta, Radka Lukášová / Univerzita
Karlova - Přírodovědecká fakulta
Autor: Iva Horová, Knihovna Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Autor: Zibute Petrauskiene, Vilnius University, Litva
Autor: Heike vom Orde, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, Německo
Lisa Krolak / UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Autor: Edita Lichtenbergová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Jaroslava Svobodová, Hana Kubalová / Národní knihovna České republiky
Autor: Eva Marvanová, Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha
Autor: Věra Kroftová, Zemědělský výzkumný ústav Kroměříž, s.r.o., Agrotest fyto, s.r.o.
Autor: Stela Filipi Matutinovic, University Library Svetozar Markovic, Srbsko
Biljana Kosanovic / National Library of Serbia
Autor: Miroslava Jakubeková, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum v Trenčíne
Autor: Dagmar Brechlerová, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR v.v.i., Praha
Autor: Petr Žabička, Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně
Lukáš Matějka, Adam Brokeš / Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně
Autor: Beáta Sedláčková, Slezská univerzita v Opavě
Autor: Baiba Holma, University of Latvia, Lotyšsko
Daina Pakalna / University of Latvia
Autor: Adéla Jarolímková, CESNET, z.s.p.o., Praha
Petr Lesný, Jan Vejvalka, Kryštof Slabý, Marek Turnovec / Fakultní nemocnice v Motole
Autor: Vendula Papíková, Centrum biomedicínské informatiky, Ústav informatiky Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i.,
Richard Papík / Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví