13. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Profesní růst informačních pracovníků

Koordinátor: Petra Jedličková, Univerzita Karlova - Filozofická fakulta, Praha

Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2006, 14.00 - 15.25, Posluchárna D

Rozvoj kompetencí informačních profesionálů - nezbytný předpoklad pro poskytování služeb podle potřeb uživatelů

Autor: Russell Bailey, Providence College Library, USA


The roles of library and information professionals must change and evolve to:

  1. accommodate needs of tech-savvy patrons

  2. thrive in the Commons & Library 2.0

  3. provide integrated, just-in-time services

  4. constantly update and enhance technology

  5. design appropriate library spaces for research and productivity

  6. adapt to new models of scholarly communication and publication, especially: the Open Archives Initiative and digital repositories

  7. remain abreast of national and interanational academic and legislative initiatives affecting the provision of information services and resources.

Professionals will need to collaborate in:

  1. Formal & informal networks – regional, national, and international; and

  2. Library staff development initiatives – regional, national, international

Professionals will need to use libraries as laboratories for ongoing, lifelong training and education of patrons and of all library staff ("internal patrons"): the library is the "framework" in which Information Research Literacy is the "curriculum". Professionals will need to remain aware of trends and challenges in their regions, the EU, the US and North America, of models which might provide inspiration and support:

  1. Top Technology Trends

  2. New paradigms of professionalism

  3. Knowledge-creation and knowledge consumption

  4. The shifting balance of the physical library with the virtual-digital library

O autorovi:

Dr. D. Russell Bailey: 2005-present Library Director, Providence College, USA. 2001-2005 Associate University Librarian for Information Commons, University of North Carolina, USA. Select Publications: *Contributing author - The Information Commons Handbook (October, 2006) *Co-author forthcoming Information Commons Case Studies (2007) *Lead author (with Barbara Tierney) “Information Commons Redux…”, Journal of American Librarianship, 2003 *Contributing author - Multicultural Resources on the Internet, 1999 *Author “U.S. Influences on Korean Education…”Fulbright Occasional Papers, 1996. *Composer and artist of two recorded musical ballad collections: Tossed Ballads (1984) and 2nd Chants (1988). Select Presentations: *Convener & moderator of Information Commons and Learning Commons panels and workshops for ACRL/ALA 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. *Opening speaker INFORUM 2005, Prague, The Czech Republic. Education: *Ph.D. - German Studies, Minor in Library Science (1981, LSU USA). *M.Ed. – Curriculum & Instruction (1987, LSU USA). *MA LIS - Academic Librarianship (1995, USF USA). Select Honors: *Research grants for Heidelberg, Germany (1970), and Graz, Austria (1978). *Fulbright research grants for Korea (1990) and Japan (1994).

Ostatní příspěvky v sekci

Chceme vědět, jak jsme kompetentní?

Autor: Zlata Houšková, Svaz knihovníků a informačních pracovníků ČR, Praha


Jarmila Burgetová / Svaz knihovníků a informačních pracovníků ČR

Vzdělávání knihovníků v Rumunsku

Autor: Anca Cristina Rapeanu, "Carol I" Central University Library of Bucharest, Rumunsko


Corina Dovinca / "Carol I" Central University Library of Bucharest