13th Conference on Professional Information Resources

Paper details

Conference Opening

Session coordinator: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic

Where: 22. 5. 2007, 11.00 - 12.45, New Auditorium

Opening Address

Autor: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic



Kolektiv pracovníků AiP předvede prototyp unikátního zařízení AiP Computer Tomatograph na bázi tekutých organických polovodičů, které umožňuje lokalizaci fixních myšlenek v lidském mozku, a prezentuje případovou studii jeho využití k analýze fixace etického kodexu knihovníka v mozcích informačních specialistů.

About author:

Vladimír Karen (born in 1963) graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1988. Then he joined the first Compact Disc manufacturer Gramofonove zavody in Lodenice near Prague, where he was initially co-responsible for starting up the premastering studio and then for the introduction of CD-ROM production and publishing the first Czech demo CD-ROM.

Vladimir Karen became a co-founder of a private company ICOME s.r.o . in 1991, which was a pioneering company in the CD-ROM business in the former Czechoslovakia. The company later transformed into Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., where he is now the Managing Director.

Other papers in this session:

Welcome Address

Author: Jindřich Soukup, Vice-President for Development and Finance, University of Economics, Czech Republic

Trends in Professional and Academic Online Information Services

Author: Péter Jacsó, University of Hawaii - Department of Information and Computer Sciences, USA

Into the User Environment Now! How Users Have Changed and How We Can Adjust

Author: Guus van den Brekel, University Medical Center Groningen - Central Medical Library, Netherlands