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Pokročilé nástroje pro odkrytí neviditelného webu
Autor: Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services, Velká Británie
Plné texty
When we fail to find information through our favourite search tool we often blame the so-called "hidden web". Some industry commentators imbue the hidden web with an aura of mystery as though esoteric, magical incantations are needed to reveal its secrets. The reality is more prosaic. The size of the search engine databases is part of the problem. Yahoo claims to have over 20 billion pages and the rest range from 5-12 billion pages. Valuable information can so easily be "lost" because of the huge volume of data. To make matters worse, information is now presented in an increasing variety of formats: ebooks, photographs, videos, podcasts of interviews and conference presentations, blogs, RSS feeds, TV and radio programmes. The possibilities seem endless. Tackling this level of information overload requires lateral thinking on the part of the searcher when building a search strategy. Google is a fantastic search tool but not foolproof. It is not comprehensive and other services may be more appropriate. This presentation will identify the specialist tools and techniques that are available, and how they can help you uncover those essential but elusive resources.
O autorovi
Karen Blakeman has worked in the information profession for over twenty years and has been a freelance consultant since 1989. She provides training and consultancy on the use of the Internet, and on accessing and managing information resources. Karen writes a regular column for "Business Information Searcher", publishes a monthly electronic newsletter called "Tales from the Terminal Room", and runs a blog. Her publications include "Search Strategies for the Internet", now in its sixth edition and she has spoken on search tools and techniques at numerous conferences around the world. She is a Fellow of CILIP and in 2002 received the Information World Review Information Professional of the Year award. Website: http://www.rba.co.uk
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