Přehled příspěvků podle jmen autorů
NEREUS - otevřený archiv pro obor ekonomie pro výzkumníky z Evropy
Autor: Jacques Hellemans, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgie
Plné texty
NEREUS - Networked Economics Resources for European Scholars - represents a consortium of outstanding European academics libraries having major collections in economy and proposing, collectively, to provide new contents and to develop innovating services of information for the economist. Its main goal is to make more largely available the most relevant European research in economic sciences, relaying it in order to allow a faster access to the current research. NEREUS concentrates thus firstly on the increasing recovery of contents in Open Access in order to provide, in the most possible simple way, a full text access to literature. And that, independently of the place and of the origin format of information. The purpose is to disseminate the results of search in the most largely possible way. NEREUS, supports its institutional customers and provides a better feedback to its researchers. It proposes to highlight the results of valuable research, since the working papers and pre-prints until the post-prints and articles get published, in the catalogues member’s libraries, with the checked Web sites and the statistical resources. The principal objective is to create a European network distributed of libraries of research and to extend it thereafter, connecting the resources of the top economic university libraries. NEREUS envisages giving access to the total contents by the services of research where unique collections and full text electronic publications of high quality exist.
O autorovi
Post graduate in economics and librarianship Free university brussels Economic library director ; secretary of ifla social standing committee ; responsible for the Patent library ; experiences in building libraries in Africa
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