List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)
Author: Šárka Kašpárková, The Public Library Kroměříž, Czech Republic
Co-author: Daniela Hebnarová
The discuss will be aimed on the project - Open Society Fund in Prague assistance programme: Non-profit organizations on the way to the European Union. We have prepared the project called Establishing a Life-long Extracurricular Learning Center in Kromeriz. This project is ready to give in the structural funds EU - the Development of the human resources - priority 1.1 Active policy of employment.Co-operatin and partnership with the town municipalities and the regional government and the non-profit organization. The project is aimed fot the unemployees - for 4 aimed groups. The special courses of the cmputer and information literacy - the inovation is in motivating the unemployees to find a job.The project is to intgrate groups of residents stressed by the social exclusion through life-long learning programes for them. The library as the community center.
The author graduated in the Faculty of Philosophy - Department of Science Information and Librarianship at the University in Bratislava. She has been working in the library since 1991 as the head. The library was moved in 1998 and now the library is the modern information and community center. the author is interested in the system of the lifelong learning.
The membership:
Author: Radka Soukupová, Ministry for Regional Development, Czech Republic
Author: Vladana Vasková, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic
Author: Helena Gajdušková, The Masaryk public Library, Czech Republic